Well, it's coming back. The hair. It was nice and brown and ... NOT ME. So, Joseph bleached the hell outta my hair yesterday. Thank God. It's back to the platinum that I lurve. Hoping that these antibiotics that I'm on don't make the stuff fall out ... yet again. But, in the end, its just hair.
Silas and Tootsie are continuing their romance as brother and sister. She makes him laugh like a maniac. She, also, makes him scream like a maniac when she's nipping on his pants and such. He hasn't quite caught onto the whole "don't run away and scream ... she thinks you're playing, man" deal quite yet. But, they are still such buddies. Still adore seeing them roam off together at the dog park. All the dogs, including her, are running around together. Yet, when she sees him wandering off, she's right by his side. So, so sweet. I'm so thrilled that they will be able to grow up together.
My "Pop", my dad's dad, isn't feeling so well lately. He's had prostate cancer for some years, but he has heart issues, as well. Nearing 90, I know he's not keen on surgery for his heart. He's a strong-willed man. Grew up, poor, on a mill village. I know he's so chock-full of pride and so set in his ways that he's not planning on doing surgery to correct the issue with his heart. But, it still drives me nuts. He and I talk about it very openly, as we're so, so close. I keep telling him that I SO want him to do the surgery. He doesn't care to do it. As much as I love and adore this man, who am I to set the standard for his path in life. We had some great conversations about this when I was home in January. He and I would sit out on the porch, in the sun (his favorite place), and talk about life and death ... our fears or lack thereof. It's an amazing thing to be able to talk to your grandparent as a peer. Someone else dealing with cancer and the prospects it entails.
Tomorrow is Friday. My day is gonna be a whirlwind. Gonna go see my co-worker's baby for the first time. Gonna cut my girlfriend's hair at her house before she jets off to Russia to meet the beautiful child that she's adopting. Gonna go visit with a 2 girlfriends of mine from college ... one is living here now and PREGNANT-the other, visiting from NYC. Saturday, I'll work. Then, Kevin and I head out to help out with Komen's "Grace Notes" gala. Sunday, Silas has a b-day party for a friend from daycare.
Then, AND THEN, we're having dinner at Zeke's with Dawg's husband and her 2 precious little girls. I saw them a week or so ago when I dropped off some dinner. Gorgeous as ever, those little ladies. A perfect ending to a long, long weekend!