So, Mama got a call today from the radiologist that read her scans earlier. Apparently, she (the radiologist) is now saying that there are 2 more areas of concern ... on top of the 2 that we already know are "pre-cancerous." Who knows what the other 2 areas would tell us. When the radiologist said, "we'd like you to come in to get these new areas biopsied," Mama replied, "No. I want the breast removed. Immediately."
You know what? Mama is a rock-star. She is choosing her own path and she refuses to back down from her choice. I commend her for her aggressiveness in dealing with this disease. She is now, technically, a breast cancer survivor in my mind.
How did this happen? How in the name of God has our family been dealt two blows in nearly 3 years.
I'll be there for my Mama. Fortunately, she is being so gracious to fly Silas and myself down to South Carolina during her surgery and recovery. I'm a pro with the meds and drains and post-treatment deal. I know my brother and sister will be hands-on as well. They are both so amazing. They are gonna be co-parents to our Mama. But, as a breast cancer survivor, I will be able to help her with the ins and outs of the recovery process. She's gonna be just fine. I'm so, so happy about this.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Fantastic news!!!!!!!!!!
MAMA IS CANCER-FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm simly thrilled. It's been a long, long week for me. My internal monologue, constantly blabbing. I got the news today from Mama that the biopsy showed no cancer. Sweet!
Problem is, the biopsy shows that the grouping of cells ARE abnormal: displasia. Displasia is often a precursor to cancer. Mama, ever the warrior, has decided that, instead of removing the 2 areas of question, she wants to remove the entire breast. Her doctor was shocked and, apparently, tried to talk her out of it. But, she is standing strong on the issue. After she talked to her brother, who is also a doctor, she is even more compelled to go through with a prophylactic mastectomy.
I didn't tell her what I thought she should do. I would support anything she wanted to do. But, after her decision, I have to say that I was very happy. I told her as much.
Cancer isn't predictable. Her doctor may think that she is simply mutilating her own body. However, I've known SEVERAL women that were diagnosed with DCIS, a "pre-cancer", and then metasticised. Cancer doesn't play in black and white. Grey is its favorite color.
So, I'm proud of my mama for being so aggressive.
I've decided that I will be there when she has her surgery. I cannot tell you how much my cancer-club girlfriends have meant to me. No one can truly understand a mastectomy, the drains, the pain, the meds, the vision, the "what-ifs" like someone who has gone through it. I'm so happy to be there for her. Bless her heart, she said that she wants to pony up the cash so that I can make it down there. I'll make it up to her one day.
Until then, I'm so blessed and thrilled that this news is so, so much better than what it could have been.
Could someone give my damned family a BREAK now?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Problem is, the biopsy shows that the grouping of cells ARE abnormal: displasia. Displasia is often a precursor to cancer. Mama, ever the warrior, has decided that, instead of removing the 2 areas of question, she wants to remove the entire breast. Her doctor was shocked and, apparently, tried to talk her out of it. But, she is standing strong on the issue. After she talked to her brother, who is also a doctor, she is even more compelled to go through with a prophylactic mastectomy.
I didn't tell her what I thought she should do. I would support anything she wanted to do. But, after her decision, I have to say that I was very happy. I told her as much.
Cancer isn't predictable. Her doctor may think that she is simply mutilating her own body. However, I've known SEVERAL women that were diagnosed with DCIS, a "pre-cancer", and then metasticised. Cancer doesn't play in black and white. Grey is its favorite color.
So, I'm proud of my mama for being so aggressive.
I've decided that I will be there when she has her surgery. I cannot tell you how much my cancer-club girlfriends have meant to me. No one can truly understand a mastectomy, the drains, the pain, the meds, the vision, the "what-ifs" like someone who has gone through it. I'm so happy to be there for her. Bless her heart, she said that she wants to pony up the cash so that I can make it down there. I'll make it up to her one day.
Until then, I'm so blessed and thrilled that this news is so, so much better than what it could have been.
Could someone give my damned family a BREAK now?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
As you may have already read, my Mama had to go back in to have a core-needle biopsy after a mammogram showed suspicious findings. Her needle biopsy was Monday. She was told that the results would be available today. And, of course, they "haven't come back yet." At least, that is what she was told today. I had her call her doctor after she spoke with the radiologist's people. The doctor's folks said the same thing.
I'm wondering what type of fool they are taking her for ... they must not remember that her daughter was a breast cancer survivor. I KNOW THEY HAVE THE RESULTS. Laziness? Maybe. A friend of mine from high school - who now happens to be a physician - absolutely agrees. He said they, absolutely, have the results.
Tomorrow, she will call them again. If they say the same thing, I will personally call them and let them know that not ALL patients are ignorant. I will demand that they share her results. And, they are HER results. Having gone through what I have (in regards to cancer) has made me all too aware of the system and I have fortunately been blessed with medical staffs that fight for me and are more than timely. My Mama deserves no less. In my mind, she deserves MORE. It is her right to know. I'll make damned sure they know that I will make that happen.
They will not make her (and our family) wait over a long weekend. I refuse to allow that to happen. 5 days is longer than any of my girlfriends have EVER had to wait on a biopsy. It makes me frickin' livid.
I guess they assume that all patients will lie down and roll over. I, fortunately, have never had to deal with this situation, as the medical staff at Swedish is top of the line and timely. I've never had to wait over 2 days for ANY results. The ladies of the Young Survival Coalition have told me that they feel the same.
Tomorrow is ANOTHER day. And it will be THE day that they share her results. Otherwise, time to pull out my bow and arrow.
As you may have already read, my Mama had to go back in to have a core-needle biopsy after a mammogram showed suspicious findings. Her needle biopsy was Monday. She was told that the results would be available today. And, of course, they "haven't come back yet." At least, that is what she was told today. I had her call her doctor after she spoke with the radiologist's people. The doctor's folks said the same thing.
I'm wondering what type of fool they are taking her for ... they must not remember that her daughter was a breast cancer survivor. I KNOW THEY HAVE THE RESULTS. Laziness? Maybe. A friend of mine from high school - who now happens to be a physician - absolutely agrees. He said they, absolutely, have the results.
Tomorrow, she will call them again. If they say the same thing, I will personally call them and let them know that not ALL patients are ignorant. I will demand that they share her results. And, they are HER results. Having gone through what I have (in regards to cancer) has made me all too aware of the system and I have fortunately been blessed with medical staffs that fight for me and are more than timely. My Mama deserves no less. In my mind, she deserves MORE. It is her right to know. I'll make damned sure they know that I will make that happen.
They will not make her (and our family) wait over a long weekend. I refuse to allow that to happen. 5 days is longer than any of my girlfriends have EVER had to wait on a biopsy. It makes me frickin' livid.
I guess they assume that all patients will lie down and roll over. I, fortunately, have never had to deal with this situation, as the medical staff at Swedish is top of the line and timely. I've never had to wait over 2 days for ANY results. The ladies of the Young Survival Coalition have told me that they feel the same.
Tomorrow is ANOTHER day. And it will be THE day that they share her results. Otherwise, time to pull out my bow and arrow.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
My dogs are-a-barkin'...

Don't believe I've shared this amazing picture with ya'll, as of yet. This was a picture taken at last year's "Race For the Cure." Generally, the portrayal or those events and breast cancer show much older women that are post menopausal. Last year, however, there was a big group of us CRAZY young survivors and our kids. I say "crazy", as, at the end of the race the survivors go to the field. A band plays. Everyone stands and listens. Well, we, as you women, didn't feel inclined to sit OR stand and listen to the music. We all grabbed hands and went up to the front of the stage with our kids and boogied with them. We had such a wonderful time! It's a shame that women of all ages don't feel comfortable dancing and celebrating the fact that they are able to be there to do the race. We all hope we'll still be doing the same dance into our 90s.
Several wonderful pictures were taken by professional photographers at the event. This is one of those pics. It just so happens that this picture was chosen for the cover of the posters and pamphlets and bulletin boards, and such. It's a great, great day when the face of breast cancer includes young women and their children. By the way, all the women and children in this pic are very dear to me. I'm so proud to be a part of such an amazing group of warriors. AND THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE GREY HAIR??!!!! No offense to my aged friends here. But, damned, if we don't need to find our voice as young survivors.
Monday, May 4, 2009
And so it goes ... again...

Well, we had a loverly day yesterday with Grammie and Grandaddy. Kevin's mom and stepdad came up for the afternoon to visit and give Silas his b-day gifts. They took us to a great lunch at the Wingdome. We got to visit in the backyard garden while Silas rode his bike and played t-ball. It was great to catch up with them and Silas was thrilled to show off his bike riding prowess.
Today, I got the news that a follow-up mammogram to one that Mama had last week has lead to further testing. They have noted calcifications in her imaging. So, on to the needle biopsy and MRI we go. I am, of course, taken aback, as it throws you right back to what you go through during the whole mammo, ultrasound, biopsy, MRI deal ... pre-diagnosis. However, there was no "mass" of which to speak. Which is great news. And, calcifications are not too terribly uncommon in women over 50. So, I've urged her to NOT wait until the May 26th date that they've set up for her follow-up tests. Three weeks???!!! Are you kidding me? I think my siblings and I are in total agreement that this should be pushed to the forefront. Her doctor doesn't want ME banging down the door.
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