Got an e-mail today. One of the most heartbreaking of my life. But, it was also one of the most eloquent and beautiful.
My friend Steve Eldredge has been battling ALS for some years. Actually, he and I were diagnosed with our diseases around the same time. In any case, Steve has battled his disease for several years. Today, he notified his friends that he will be heading to hospice. He is in the final leg of his journey. He is a brave man and a beautiful soul.
I am sharing his e-mail, as it is too precious NOT to share. AND, I want to extend the request that, if you have some extra money to "gift", that you contact me at "dorcasanna@gmail.com" so that we all might be able to help a little or a LOT to his daughter's college fund.
Thank you.
Love you Steve.
p.s. The following is his last entry.
Hello everybody,
This will be the final entry to my blog. The very last one! Please do me the honor of reading my blog. Click this link: http://learning-how-to-live.blogspot.com/
For those of you who don’t want to click the link, I have pasted the entry in the body of this email.
Goodbye ,
A Final Farewell
Have you ever thought about what you would say with your final words if given the opportunity? Have you even considered the concept? Well… I have. If you are reading this it’s suffice to say that this is the last thing I’ll ever say to you all. I am checking into Hospice House of Holland today, and without Devine intervention I probably won't be returning.
First, it has been an absolute pleasure knowing all of you. Thank you for being my friend. Please know that I never wanted to give-in to this horrible disease, I just finally wore down under the weight of the progressive nature of ALS. Slowly becoming a prisoner inside your own skin is no way for anybody to live. Add to that the financial burden of this disease and you have a recipe for disaster. Nobody should have to watch the financial, physical and mental toll being exacted upon their loved ones just to keep you comfortable. It’s not right!
It’s interesting what goes through your mind when you near the end of your life here on planet Earth. You would think that your accomplishments might be an area of focus, but that’s not the case at all, they are more like fun things I did during my lifetime, nothing more. Personal accomplishments, like material things, really don’t amount to much, though it would have been nice to leave my wife in a slightly better position.
As for regrets… I think it’s ridiculous to even go down that road. Life is full of lessons. I think it is called maturity where you learn from your mistakes. I will however admit that I wish I would have spent more time volunteering to help those less fortunate than me, particularly where teaching my children to do the same is concerned.
Dying a slow death gives you the ability to have long conversations with GOD. No, he didn't speak directly to me, that would have scared the daylights out of me, and GOD knew that. But I was given signs.
“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. “
Mark Twain
GOD gives us many gifts, and the ability to forgive is one of the big ones. Many of you know I love to quote Mark Twain, and I love the above quote. The profound validity of that quote says it all, such beautiful prose. I have forgiven all who have trespassed against me, and I pray that I have been forgiven by all whom I have trespassed against.
I’m at a loss for words at the moment (that doesn’t happen very often). Uhm… at the risk of leaving someone out, I want to thank the many family members and friends who provided us with financial support, without your assistance things would have been much more difficult. Thank you to all my neighbors who helped with the outdoor and indoor chores here at my home. Many thanks to Hospice of Holland, whose diligence in providing care for me is greatly appreciated. Thank you to ALS Association of Western Michigan.
Tell me… would you find it tacky if I asked those who are inclined to donate to my daughter’s college fund? It’s the only method I have available to me to help provide for her college education. Hmmm… I guess it is tacky.
My memorial service and burial will be in SLC, UT. Contact my wife, Carol, using my email address, if you would like more information. Please note, Carol won’t return your calls or emails until she has the answers (after I pass away).
Before I end this blog with the traditional song de jour (and I have a beauty), I wrote this poem.
Walking in an illustrated meadow
Many pictures present themselves
Yet, they avoid capture
Sightings of man, and their many accomplishments
Visions of machines, their many creations
And destructions
Changes in nature, rewarding itself with its ability to adapt
Crossing to the center
All emotions are displayed
Ancient and childlike
All things remembered, and forgotten
Recalling a ray of sunshine on a summer day
A blissful reliance on a prayer “GODS Speed”
Underneath it all
The keepers are there
Waiting to guide us through ourselves
Did we cry for those who cannot?
Did we laugh at ourselves?
Is your happiness a contrived illusion from man?
Or a gift from GOD?
Journeying on
The illustrations fade
Built by everyone
Meant for no one
What did they say?
If your intentions were pure
You will know the meaning of love
Title: illustrated meadow
By: Steve Eldredge
Once again, I have relied upon the genius of Eric Clapton to supply a fitting song to end my blog.
I pray GOD blesses you all.
I have finally found a way to live just like I never could before.
I know that I don't have much to give, but I can open any door.
Everybody knows the secret, everybody knows the score.
I have finally found a way to live in the color of the Lord.
I have finally found a place to live just like I never could before.
And I know I don't have much to give, but soon I'll open any door.
Everybody knows the secret, everybody knows the score.
I have finally found a place to live in the presence of the Lord.
In the presence of the Lord.
I have finally found a way to live just like I never could before.
And I know I don't have much to give, but I can open any door.
Everybody knows the secret, I said everybody knows the score.
I have finally found a way to live in the colour of the Lord.
In the colour of the Lord.
Song: In The Presence Of The Lord
Written by: Eric Clapton, 1969
Performed by: Blind Faith
Goodbye, may GOD bless you!