Hey all. Happy Sunday. We're still lovin' the new digs and settling in for a long winter's nap. You know it's upon us, yes? Kiddies are heading back to school soon and I feel like summer just started. Note to self, don't do that.
Kevin's Mama, Step-dad, and brother came into town to spend the day with us. Grammie, Grandad, and Uncle Levi took us out to lunch at one of our favorite places: The Wing Dome. I've been going there since I moved here 8 years ago. I'm a frequent flier: I, actually, have a card. As a matter of fact, we were there last weekend with Sandi and Jeff. "Jenny", our favorite server, asked if we would like to go to a Mariners game with her the following day. Silas and I did. Kevin, the hugest Mariners fan in the world, was hung over. He's never turned down a ticket. Sucks to be you, I say. So, Silas and I met up with Jenny, her dad, her daughter, and Thea, another wonderful server from the Wing Dome. We had A BALL!!! We had beer. We had way too much greasy food. The Blue angels were in town. So, they were flying over. I feel like I've already posted about this. Damned chemo.
In any case, we went, today, to the Wing Dome and Uncle Levi proved to be his usual brave/moronic self in ordering "The seven alarm wing." It's classic: hot sauce that would peel the paint off of a barn. I've done it. I know the pain. He continues to do it on a dare. So, 2 of the pics here are pre and post 7-alarm wing eating. Uncle Levi is a hoot. Silas adores him.
We had a wonderful day. Got to see gorgeous pics of their trip to the Mediterranean. Got some sweet gifts from over there. Olive oils, clothes, and toys. Oh, and Ouzo. I'm certain that it will suddenly disappear and Kevin will act like he had nothing to do with it.
We had a lovely day with our lovely family. We're so lucky to have such great families. And, as I've said before, you SHOULD be jealous.
We're, now, settling into our lovely new home. Kevin just walked up to me and said, "I love this place." We've never said that about ANYWHERE that we've lived. So, I imagine, we're onto something. Jack, Brandon's dog, is spending the night with us. If you're a regular reader, you know that he's a pal and T's gardener. Owns a fancy/hip nursery in Ballard. It's really a funky garage. If you didn't know that, either read more or go away. The proverbial "shit or get off the pot."
That said, I'm off to surf the Interweb. I've got an addiction that needs to be fed. It's that, or I sit at McDonald's all night and eat fries. I choose the former. The latter will only aid making my menopausal self a heifer.
1 comment:
you look happy, sound happy and i feel you being happy clear across town and this makes me happy. miss seeing you. can't wait for saturday.
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