These are more pics from our fantastic Loreal evening. Sasha and I had a great chat with Malcom Edwards ... and his chest. No worries, boys. I feel certain you have a much better chance at him than we do.
We're settling into layoff-dom. I've picked up Tuesdays until Kevin finds work. So, I was at the salon today.
I met a fantastic young woman who was referred to me by the nurses at Swedish. She's a young lady who was diagnosed with lung cancer on her 40th birthday. She's never been a smoker, by the way. At first, I thought she was a breast cancer survivor. But, after settling in, I got to hear her story. She's a working mama with a gorgeous 5 year old girl and a loving husband. And, SHE'S A HOOT! Nothing like spending time with someone as dry and brash as you are about a deadly disease. What the hell else are we suppose to do?
In any case, we gussied her up. Didn't take much, as she's adorable. But, we colored her and cut off the tiny little chemo-mullet that was growing. She looked great before ... so the "after" wasn't too much of a shock. But, she was very happy to be in an actual salon getting her hair done. If you don't have hair ... and it's not by choice ... then, these are fairly monumental occasions. I'm so glad that I've met her. I have a feeling that we'll keep in close contact.
Kevin's still banging away at the computer ... sending out resumes and such. I'm gonna give it 3 weeks. If, after those 3 weeks, he hasn't gotten a job, I'm going to start working on Aurora Avenue (Highway 99). For those of you NOT in the know, Aurora tends to harbor many "ladies of the night" ... or day, if you chose. I figure, if I dress up in some of my more eccentric clothes, I can just stay there on the street and offer a monologue or something for anyone that pops by - for pay, of course. I'm thinking that I might make some money by working on my acting monologues with an audience (John) that is a bit fetishist. He pays, I get a good acting class. Win, win!
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