Sunday proved to be a wonderful day. The Race for the Cure. The Young Survival Coalition came out in full force, along with literally thousands of others. We choose to do the walk ... not the run. We've already had to suffer enough. Don't make us run people.
I got into the registration area (for survivors) where I was handed my t-shirt and my "race" number. Low and behold, the poor lady handed me the number "911." No joke. I laughed and said, "um, are you spiting me?" She, then offered me "913." I figure "13" might be worse. So, I went with "911" ... clearly knowing my propensity for accidents and bad luck.
The race/walk went very well. wonderful weather to boot. However, when I was called up to the stage to accept my award for "Survivor of the Year", I maintained my knack for accidental humor. Being pushed to the front of the stage ... after telling them "no I'm fine right here" ... I tripped over a cord connecting 2 amps. And there, in front of several thousands of people tripped and nearly fell on my face. Yes indeed. Any hope for a damned graceful bone in my body died there at the 2009 Race for the Cure. My YSC girlfriends were laughing their asses off ... as well they should have.
All in all, it was a great day.
The low point, however, was going to "The Remembrance Tent." K-Dawg was there. Blown up pictures made her larger than life there in the remembrance tent. She looked so beautiful and alive and healthy ... AND HAPPY. Just last year she did this walk with me and we laughed the whole time. One of the pics in the tent was of her and L, her daughter, at last years' race. So surreal. I just kept looking at her face hoping that it would become animated and she could be alive again ... just for a moment.
Had no idea you were picked as Survivor of the Year, which just goes to show I did not hear your media blitz stories...but Lauren brought me the Queen Anne News yesterday and there you were right on the front page! Congrats all round for the walk, for being a fellow tripper, and to Salon Joseph for raising over $1,000 for Komen. You rock!!
Thanks Annie. Don't really feel deserving of the award, but at least we got the word out about young survivors and were able to raise lots of cash at the salon for the cause. You have no idea how much your kind words mean right now. See you soon, honey.
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