I talk to these two "when I have no one to talk to." It's been over 10 months since Dawg left us. Pop Pop passed nearly two months ago. I had the opportunity to chat with Pop in June about him passing and how much we both meant to and loved one another ... how we would NEVER be apart, regardless of death. It was such an amazing experience to be able to share that, even if was heartbreaking. Not pleasant, yet amazing. Being able to share that moment with such a dear person to me will be one of the pentacles of my existence. It, sort of, closes the circle of relationships and life ... and death ... and whatever follows both.
I did not get to share that with my girlfriend. She did not live the long life she should have been able to live. It still haunts me. An amazing girl. This dry-witted little spit-fire. I just got a reminder on my cell phone yesterday that I needed to "resave" a message. And, it was her. The message was hysterical. It still makes me laugh. But, now, it gives me chills every time I hear her voice. I cannot call her back ... ever. But, I chat with that lady almost daily. I cannot believe how unfair life is sometimes. So, so unfair. I cannot tell you how much I wish she was still here.
It seems from everything that you've ever said about either of them that they are still very much with you. And that's what matters. You are a very special person, Anna.
I love you, Annie.
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