She's HAS arrived. Mama made it to us on Sunday evening. We've had nothing but a splendid time since then. The Hoodies met up for "Happy Hour with Mama" last night. All I can say is that "happy hour" leads to an un-happy following day. Too much booze and tater tots. We laughed our boobs off (those of us that still have them). It was great for Mama to meet girlfriends that have "been there."
She, in turn, told me that she had never seen a group of women with such beauty and closeness. "Not a snob in the group," said she. And she's right. I'm a very blessed lady to have my soul-mates with me every step of my life.
So, we're having a ball and getting all of our groceries tonight for our huge Southern Dinner. We'll spend most of Christmas Eve cooking. Then, we'll sit back and relax with family and friends.
What a wonderful holidy it will be!
Linda is my new lady-love. Can't wait for our roadtrip to York in March so we can spend more time with Mama!
It's gonna be a hoot and a holler! Cannot wait for you to see Charleston and meet the rest of the fam. xoxo.
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