On Thursday I will have my first MRI in over a year. Yay!!!!
I, absolutely, loathe scans. It's not the scan itself that renders me a bag of nerves. It's the wait. The waiting to find out if there is some form of cancer that is hiding out in my body.
Cancer is a sneaky little bitch. Many pals of mine have gone in for routine scans, only to come out with the news that their cancer has spread and they had absolutely no idea or any symptoms. It's the worst part of the "healing" process for me. It's just so damned nerve wracking. I'd rather get shot in the leg with a 357 magnum ... knowing that I could get stitched up ... than have to wait for the result of a damned scan.
In any case, the main reason for the scan is that I've not had one in over a year. The other reason is the fact that my radiated side has taken on some real tightness with massy areas. The hope is that it's just scar tissue. Capsular contracture is what it's termed. The body, to protect itself from a foreign entity, builds up scars tissue around foreign objects. In my case, it would be the implant. So, I'm banking on that being the case.
If that is the case, I'll simply have a minor surgery to get all that nasty scar tissue scraped out and all will be just fine.
Here's to scar tissue. I just LOVE me some scar tissue~
Let's hear it for scar tissue!! I'm rooting for the sucker.
Good stuff, that. Love you, lover.
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