"Awe" is a word that has come up in my world quite a bit of late. It certainly did today. Generally, it's a good context. Sometimes, however, it is not.
Elizabeth's service was beautiful, perfect, and EXACTLY what she would have wanted ... save for "A COUPLE" of minor issues.
All in all, it was amazing. The music was gorgeous. The women that spoke were fierce and so, so passionate. The church, packed.
It was wonderful to see the kids so strong. I was at E-Beth's house this morning doing their hair and checking in. They are so, so very strong during the midst of this storm. They had tons of school friends there at the service with them. So, so sweet.
Knowing that E-Beth was there with us, at HER service ... for HER FRIENDS AND FAMILY ... I know, from our many beloved conversations, that she shares these sentiments as well.
Beautiful day. Ruddy (and selfish) speed bump here and there. But, otherwise, the service itself was so, so gorgeous.
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