This weekend I learned that my sweet co-worker's Grandmama is dying. It hurts my heart and soul to hear this, as I've know him since I started working at Salon Joseph. From day one, he has spoken of his Grandmama. He would take breaks to go hang out with her. She has been a pillar for him. A force of strength and council. I imagine that she will, forever, be one of his best friends.
I understand this, greatly. My grandparents were always such a huge force: support, love, cheer-leaders. I could have NEVER dreamed of better grandparents.
I know Jonathan's heart is broken. I know he knows she will not be with us, here on earth, much longer. But, what I do KNOW is that she will ALWAYS be with him and those she loves.
There is no doubt in my mind.
Godspeed sweet girl. You've been and will continue to be, infinitely, loved and adored.
My love and prayers are with his family right now.
Please send a prayer or a good vibe their way.
Thank you.
Thank you anna that means a lot. My grandma was also a breast cancer survivor. she lived 87 years was one of the toughest grandmas I knew I learned a lot from her. Love you grandma.
Love you Uncle Johnny. We're here for you ... infinitely! xoxo.
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