Thursday, April 28, 2011
In Memory of Mama Eagle...
This image is what has been left in place of the beautiful streaming images of the infamous Eagles' nest at Norfolk Botanical Gardens ... it can be found on WVEC-TV's website where the streaming video use to run 24/7.
When my Mother in Law Told me the other morning that the Mama Eagle had been struck and killed by a plane, I was a hot, hot mess. Hadn't cried that hard in some time. I'm not certain why it affected me so much. But, I know it's affected thousands of people. These same people waited with bated breath to see if Papa Eagle would return. In fact, he did. But, at their age, these Eagle babes are gonna be needing more than one parent to keep them fed and hydrated as the temps soar on the East Coast.
It was decided that the 3 Eaglets be removed from the nest and taken to a refuge where they will be raised and then released back into the wild.
Don't know if I could have taken more of the proverbial "train wreck." I swore to my sis, Angi, that I wouldn't look at the darned video of the babes alone in the nest. But, I couldn't help but check back in to see if Papa returned. Good thing my M-I-L called early Tuesday AM to tell me that they had been taken by scientists ... I would have clicked on the link and thought they'd thrown themselves to their deaths. Arghhh ...
In more LOVERLY news:
Yeeeeeee Hawwwwwwwww! I'm going stir-crazy up in here. Silas and I, left to our own devices, have a ball. But, we're running outta things to do when I am temporarily physically-challenged ... especially when it means we stay in the same house for weeks on end. I know it's earlier than I was "quoted", considering the Staph infection has still left my belly open. But, I've become a master belly-dresser. So, all will be just fine.
I look forward to getting back and seeing my fabulous co-workers and clients. I miss 'em dearly.
That isn't the most common of occurrences in the work-a-day world. I'm blessed.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Please Vote for Henta ....

Henta is a fabulous client of mine whose gorgeous music was nominated for a grammy last year.
This year, her gorgeous song "Rain" is in an Earth Day Competition.
All you need to do is follow the link and follow the instructions (e-mail address, download, etc.). I believe that once you get it downloaded, that is considered your vote.
But, as we know, I'm not the most tech savvy.
I'll include both the link AND her e-mail to me so that she may clarify it better than I have.
Thanks so, so much in advance.
Hey Anna, me again
If you're feeling up to it, is there any way you would consider voting for my song Rain please in this Earth Day competition? if you like the song, just click on the download button, then give your email (which you will need to verify), then you get a FREE download of the song which counts as one vote.
Here's the background on the song: Rain is an emotive song about survival and the immediate need for positive change. It is both symbolic in terms of presenting a potentially bleak time when we no longer have natural resources due to us neglecting our earth and also literal, depicting our fundamental need for water. It also strongly addresses how big corporations have been controlling our food supply and the need for people to fight back and regain control, at least over their local communities, which is where strength truly lies.
Henta xxx
Monday, April 25, 2011
Well, that answers that ...
Staph infection ...
The pathology came back and my current infection is caused by Staph that I contracted in the hospital. My surgeon wasn't pleased that it happened. But, it's almost impossible to prevent it nowadays.
You hear about this shite all the time. Dear Lord, my own Mama ended up with one after getting her tubes tied AT THE MAYO CLINIC. If Staph can get you at that institution, it can get you ANYWHERE.
I'm still having to flush my innards and take these damned antibiotics. But, at least we know what we're dealing with.
If ever have to have surgery again, I'm having it done on my own dining room table.
Sounds like it'd be much more safe.
The pathology came back and my current infection is caused by Staph that I contracted in the hospital. My surgeon wasn't pleased that it happened. But, it's almost impossible to prevent it nowadays.
You hear about this shite all the time. Dear Lord, my own Mama ended up with one after getting her tubes tied AT THE MAYO CLINIC. If Staph can get you at that institution, it can get you ANYWHERE.
I'm still having to flush my innards and take these damned antibiotics. But, at least we know what we're dealing with.
If ever have to have surgery again, I'm having it done on my own dining room table.
Sounds like it'd be much more safe.
Friday, April 22, 2011
You were right ....
My dear pal ...
Well, indeed, it was called some time ago.
Hypocrisy becomes AMAZINGLY transparent ... and, I must say, I am (by no means) surprised!
Sometimes I feel embarrassed for people that cannot abide by their own standards yet have judged others for the same fault(s).
"Do as I say and not as I do" isn't a standard I care to uphold, nor is a veil of false reality and self wooing ...
The older I get the more I tend to laugh at said stuffs ... it slays me!!!
Well, indeed, it was called some time ago.
Hypocrisy becomes AMAZINGLY transparent ... and, I must say, I am (by no means) surprised!
Sometimes I feel embarrassed for people that cannot abide by their own standards yet have judged others for the same fault(s).
"Do as I say and not as I do" isn't a standard I care to uphold, nor is a veil of false reality and self wooing ...
The older I get the more I tend to laugh at said stuffs ... it slays me!!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Holy HOLE!!!!

Dear Mother of Sweet Fried Chicken !
After meeting with my surgeon yesterday, I was sent in for an ultrasound, as he felt that there was "something" going on underneath my surgical site. After the ultrasound, "they" found that I have a large pocket of fluid underneath, and running the 8" length of the incision. Soooooo ... back to my surgeon's I went. This is where it gets "good."
My doc had to cut my belly open. He drained what he could of the fluid. I must say that I HAD TO WATCH. I love that grossness!
And then ... and then ... He sent me home with syringes and padding and tape. I have to stick a damned syringe in the hole 3X per day and flush my open gut with this concoction of hydrogen peroxide and water. As much as I'm okay with doing it, I'm tired, tired, tired of constant setbacks in my life.
I did not bank on this shite when I signed up for the hysterectomy. But, from the luck I've experienced in the past, it does NOT surprise me at all that there would be a set-back. So, there's that.
However, I am, particularly, excited about Mama's dinner tonight: Home made fried chicken, rice & gravy, asparagus (my job), and butter rolls. Nothing like a fabulous Southern meal to keep you warm.
Love and thanks to all.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Welcome home Mr. Infection ...
Arggggghhhhhh .....
Of course this gal couldn't get outta this surgery without a damned glitch.
As of Sunday there was a bit of worry about why my surgery site was so red and tender. Whelp ... we, now, know why. Apparently, I have some ridiculous allergy to the staples that were to shut me up. This allergy has turned into a nasty little infection that won't back down. So, I'm heading into town to see my surgeon tomorrow to see what we can do to get this gnarly little beast taken care of.
Thank God for Mama!!! She is a life saver. She's been cooking and cleaning and keeping me company on the couch all day. Silas and his Daddy had a great time playing soccer in the back yard most of the day. It was great that little Mr. Mosey got a chance to get outside and play instead of being holed up inside on the couch with us all day.
Hopefully, tomorrow, we'll get to the bottom of this infection and start marching on ... QUICKLY!!!
Of course this gal couldn't get outta this surgery without a damned glitch.
As of Sunday there was a bit of worry about why my surgery site was so red and tender. Whelp ... we, now, know why. Apparently, I have some ridiculous allergy to the staples that were to shut me up. This allergy has turned into a nasty little infection that won't back down. So, I'm heading into town to see my surgeon tomorrow to see what we can do to get this gnarly little beast taken care of.
Thank God for Mama!!! She is a life saver. She's been cooking and cleaning and keeping me company on the couch all day. Silas and his Daddy had a great time playing soccer in the back yard most of the day. It was great that little Mr. Mosey got a chance to get outside and play instead of being holed up inside on the couch with us all day.
Hopefully, tomorrow, we'll get to the bottom of this infection and start marching on ... QUICKLY!!!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Annnnndddddddd, we're HOME!
Back to the Mountlake of Terrace ...
Silas, Mama, & I got back home today. Not sure HOW we made it considering the car was so full of bags, and crap, and SHITE, that it was quite hard to see ANYTHING while I drove.
Yes, yes ... I drove. My "orders" are to NOT drive for 2 weeks. I've heard it before. Might, very well, hear it again. But, I am NOT, NOT gonna drive my car. It's my means to an "End." It's my "ummmm, Crap! I left my favorite jacket at that party!" It's the "Well, Hell, Silas and I HAVE to go to the Shell station to get his "Slurpy" reward for him doing such a great job in his learning books". It's that: I BOUGHT THIS CAR A WEEK BEFORE CHEMO ... WITH THE HELP OF MY FAMILY ... SO THAT I MIGHT NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT GETTING TO AND FROM MY TREATMENTS.
So .... I'm gonna drive.
I love my precious Honda Civic (VP). If you care to know what the "VP" means, you can look it up. It's nothing shocking ... but, it's quite "telling."
So, long story long, we've settled back in at my house. I will go in tomorrow and get these 14 staples pulled outta my gut. Honestly, I think it sounds much worse than it'll feel. If not, I'll share my reaction ... much to the discontent of my OB. I can't imagine that will happen, however. He's AWESOME!
But, as they say, "tomorrow's a new day."
Whoever wrote that shit must have had their ASS in a butter-tub all of their life.
Oh ... sorry ... that's the "Angry Anna" speaking ...
Silas, Mama, & I got back home today. Not sure HOW we made it considering the car was so full of bags, and crap, and SHITE, that it was quite hard to see ANYTHING while I drove.
Yes, yes ... I drove. My "orders" are to NOT drive for 2 weeks. I've heard it before. Might, very well, hear it again. But, I am NOT, NOT gonna drive my car. It's my means to an "End." It's my "ummmm, Crap! I left my favorite jacket at that party!" It's the "Well, Hell, Silas and I HAVE to go to the Shell station to get his "Slurpy" reward for him doing such a great job in his learning books". It's that: I BOUGHT THIS CAR A WEEK BEFORE CHEMO ... WITH THE HELP OF MY FAMILY ... SO THAT I MIGHT NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT GETTING TO AND FROM MY TREATMENTS.
So .... I'm gonna drive.
I love my precious Honda Civic (VP). If you care to know what the "VP" means, you can look it up. It's nothing shocking ... but, it's quite "telling."
So, long story long, we've settled back in at my house. I will go in tomorrow and get these 14 staples pulled outta my gut. Honestly, I think it sounds much worse than it'll feel. If not, I'll share my reaction ... much to the discontent of my OB. I can't imagine that will happen, however. He's AWESOME!
But, as they say, "tomorrow's a new day."
Whoever wrote that shit must have had their ASS in a butter-tub all of their life.
Oh ... sorry ... that's the "Angry Anna" speaking ...
Friday, April 15, 2011
Bye bye innards ....
Whelp ...
They're gone. The uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes are no longer.
I checked into Swedish on Wednesday morning in preparation for my 11:15 surgery. I was more upset that I didn't get to eat a DAMNED bit of food than losing my lady bits.
Surgery was swift and clean. Dr. South is a rock star. I must say that I've been in quite a bit of pain for some days. But, it is most certainly a means to an end. For that, I'll take it!
I was released today after a few days of healing ... and eating the shite outta the hospital food. I'm a sucker for Swedish's food.
I'm relaxing here at Robin and Noel's ... awaiting the arrival of both Silas and Mama tomorrow. I'm so, so excited to get my baby back and so, so excited that Mama is heading up here to spend some fabulous time with us. I'll eat an elephant's weight in good soul-food.
Thanks for all the love, prayers, messages, and gorgeous flowers everyone.
I'm quick to mend ... and, I'm there right now.
They're gone. The uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes are no longer.
I checked into Swedish on Wednesday morning in preparation for my 11:15 surgery. I was more upset that I didn't get to eat a DAMNED bit of food than losing my lady bits.
Surgery was swift and clean. Dr. South is a rock star. I must say that I've been in quite a bit of pain for some days. But, it is most certainly a means to an end. For that, I'll take it!
I was released today after a few days of healing ... and eating the shite outta the hospital food. I'm a sucker for Swedish's food.
I'm relaxing here at Robin and Noel's ... awaiting the arrival of both Silas and Mama tomorrow. I'm so, so excited to get my baby back and so, so excited that Mama is heading up here to spend some fabulous time with us. I'll eat an elephant's weight in good soul-food.
Thanks for all the love, prayers, messages, and gorgeous flowers everyone.
I'm quick to mend ... and, I'm there right now.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Mosey, OUT!!!
Today my sweet little man headed to Yakima. He'll be staying there with his grandparents while I get the plumbing pulled. From what I have ascertained, it's good for me to have some time to heal after surgery. But, I hate having him so far away. Lord, he's gonna have a ball ... they get into so much nonsense when he's there it's crazy. He adores his time in Yakima.
But, for some reason, I'm hankering for my little pooty. Last time he was there for a week, it didn't affect me too terribly much. This time, however, is different. I already miss him like crazy.
I'll see him on Saturday ... the same day that his Nonnie (my Mama) flies into town. It'll be a fabulous celebration. Although, I'll probably be drooling and calling people by the wrong name due to the meds that I'm, apparently, going to be on.
I won't complain about those. Loves me some narcotics when life calls for it!
So, I'm getting my shit together. Last day of work is tomorrow. I'm slammed, thank God!
Getting the house in order, the bills (than can be paid) in order, and the welcoming of Nonnie in order.
That lady can rally, I tell ya!
p.s. I miss you Mose.
But, for some reason, I'm hankering for my little pooty. Last time he was there for a week, it didn't affect me too terribly much. This time, however, is different. I already miss him like crazy.
I'll see him on Saturday ... the same day that his Nonnie (my Mama) flies into town. It'll be a fabulous celebration. Although, I'll probably be drooling and calling people by the wrong name due to the meds that I'm, apparently, going to be on.
I won't complain about those. Loves me some narcotics when life calls for it!
So, I'm getting my shit together. Last day of work is tomorrow. I'm slammed, thank God!
Getting the house in order, the bills (than can be paid) in order, and the welcoming of Nonnie in order.
That lady can rally, I tell ya!
p.s. I miss you Mose.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Guess who lost his first tooth???!!!!
That would be Silas Levi Schumacher!!!! I've not taken a picture of it, as I cannot find my camera charger and I don't have a fancy phone that makes it easy to share photos.
However, I can assure you, it's the cutest little tooth hole EVER!
Actually, because he has one growing in behind it, it's not much of a hole. You can see the other one that's already halfway in.
He'd been working at it for some days. Finally, yesterday, it POPPED! He was on a play date at Heather and Marco's. I was at work. I got a call saying Silas needed to speak with me. He proceeded to say, "Mama I want you to know that I lost my first tooth ... and I'M NOT AT ALL HAPPY ABOUT IT!" I had to try to reel him in and make it a celebration, as he was so emotional ... saying, "But, Mama, it's a part of me." I told him that there will be much money to be had with all these teeth a-popping out. That seemed to help. His dad, also, called to congratulate him and help talk him off the ledge. I'm pretty sure we got it done, as this morning I woke to him screaming the words "MAMA THE TOOTH FAIRY CAME, THE TOOTH FAIRY CAME!!!!"
Well, hot damn!
The irony is: His first tooth came out on the day that he was "projected" to come outta my belly ... only 5 years later.
Congratulations little man!!!!
I love you, madly!
However, I can assure you, it's the cutest little tooth hole EVER!
Actually, because he has one growing in behind it, it's not much of a hole. You can see the other one that's already halfway in.
He'd been working at it for some days. Finally, yesterday, it POPPED! He was on a play date at Heather and Marco's. I was at work. I got a call saying Silas needed to speak with me. He proceeded to say, "Mama I want you to know that I lost my first tooth ... and I'M NOT AT ALL HAPPY ABOUT IT!" I had to try to reel him in and make it a celebration, as he was so emotional ... saying, "But, Mama, it's a part of me." I told him that there will be much money to be had with all these teeth a-popping out. That seemed to help. His dad, also, called to congratulate him and help talk him off the ledge. I'm pretty sure we got it done, as this morning I woke to him screaming the words "MAMA THE TOOTH FAIRY CAME, THE TOOTH FAIRY CAME!!!!"
Well, hot damn!
The irony is: His first tooth came out on the day that he was "projected" to come outta my belly ... only 5 years later.
Congratulations little man!!!!
I love you, madly!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Guess whose lymph nodes are CLEAN????????
.... UNCLE JOHNNY'S!!!!!!!!
Hip, hip hurray!! After going through all his surgeries at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, the pathology is back. Uncle Johnny is CLEAR AS A VIRGIN BELL!!!!! Though his surgery was quite invasive, he is thriving. They sent him home a day early. Well, that's because he's a badass. The crazy man could do a marathon tomorrow and not think a thing about it.
He and his wife Sam did so, so much research as to what institution would be best for his case. I'm so glad that they chose wisely. He bounced back so quickly that the surgeon was shocked. But, they had to wait a few days to get the final pathology report. AND IT WAS BRILLIANT!!! No nodes affected. They removed EVERY cancerous iota that was seen on scans and in the prostate.
So, Uncle Johnny, I welcome you to the "Cancer Club." Not a club we chose ... but a club we CAN RULE!!!!!!
I'm so proud of your strength. I'm so, so proud of our Sam's strength.
Oh ... and by the way ... I knew it was clear before the surgery. We'll chat about that later.
Until then, party like a ROCK STAR! Next time I'm in Charleston, it's only gonna be you and me up in your plane. We need to take a moment to "FLY!" And, fly we will ... for another 80 years.
Love ya'll with all of my heart.
Hip, hip hurray!! After going through all his surgeries at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, the pathology is back. Uncle Johnny is CLEAR AS A VIRGIN BELL!!!!! Though his surgery was quite invasive, he is thriving. They sent him home a day early. Well, that's because he's a badass. The crazy man could do a marathon tomorrow and not think a thing about it.
He and his wife Sam did so, so much research as to what institution would be best for his case. I'm so glad that they chose wisely. He bounced back so quickly that the surgeon was shocked. But, they had to wait a few days to get the final pathology report. AND IT WAS BRILLIANT!!! No nodes affected. They removed EVERY cancerous iota that was seen on scans and in the prostate.
So, Uncle Johnny, I welcome you to the "Cancer Club." Not a club we chose ... but a club we CAN RULE!!!!!!
I'm so proud of your strength. I'm so, so proud of our Sam's strength.
Oh ... and by the way ... I knew it was clear before the surgery. We'll chat about that later.
Until then, party like a ROCK STAR! Next time I'm in Charleston, it's only gonna be you and me up in your plane. We need to take a moment to "FLY!" And, fly we will ... for another 80 years.
Love ya'll with all of my heart.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
That's the sound of plans being flushed down the toilet ...
Arggghhhh ...
Met with my OB surgeon today for my pre-op appointment for my surgery next week. Silas was with me, as ... well ... he's a super-duper sidekick and is with me when I nanny on Tuesdays and Fridays. He, also, was wearing THE ONLY jacket he wants to wear of late: his Batman raincoat with a proper cape. Imagine him wearing that when the Dr.'s assistant is trying to occupy him and he says "Mama, can he see the food in your stomach from down there???" Yep, dear reader ... I had told him the doctor was going to check on my tummy for a quick second. The pelvic exam WAS NOT in the cards. Bless his sweet heart.
After chatting with the OB, he sprung the "you know, I've got some concerns about 'atrophy'."
Join the club DOC ... try living with that nonsense. I'm sitting on a nest of cobwebs, Mister!
So, though I had already had my "girly exam" a few months ago, he decided it'd be a good idea to "check in" on things prior to surgery due to the atrophy and my size. The PRIOR plan had been made to have all of my lady bits removed without having to be cut open ... use your imagination if you've not read much of this blog.
In any case, plans have changed and it was decided today that I will have to have a damned abdominal hysterectomy.
Not on my day-planner to have to have that shit done. The recovery is longer ... oh, and I don't have a "day planner" either.
5 steps forward, 20 steps back.
But, at least I'm steppin'.
Met with my OB surgeon today for my pre-op appointment for my surgery next week. Silas was with me, as ... well ... he's a super-duper sidekick and is with me when I nanny on Tuesdays and Fridays. He, also, was wearing THE ONLY jacket he wants to wear of late: his Batman raincoat with a proper cape. Imagine him wearing that when the Dr.'s assistant is trying to occupy him and he says "Mama, can he see the food in your stomach from down there???" Yep, dear reader ... I had told him the doctor was going to check on my tummy for a quick second. The pelvic exam WAS NOT in the cards. Bless his sweet heart.
After chatting with the OB, he sprung the "you know, I've got some concerns about 'atrophy'."
Join the club DOC ... try living with that nonsense. I'm sitting on a nest of cobwebs, Mister!
So, though I had already had my "girly exam" a few months ago, he decided it'd be a good idea to "check in" on things prior to surgery due to the atrophy and my size. The PRIOR plan had been made to have all of my lady bits removed without having to be cut open ... use your imagination if you've not read much of this blog.
In any case, plans have changed and it was decided today that I will have to have a damned abdominal hysterectomy.
Not on my day-planner to have to have that shit done. The recovery is longer ... oh, and I don't have a "day planner" either.
5 steps forward, 20 steps back.
But, at least I'm steppin'.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Man, I'm a dip-shit!!!!!
So ... turns out that today was the day of Uncle Johnny's surgery. Thank the Lord I figured that out before calling to wish him luck TONIGHT!
Just got off of the phone with him. He's out of surgery and sounds like a young whipper-snapper already.
From what the surgeon saw, Mr. J's lymph nodes looked clean. But, he did take a few to make sure that there was no trace of The Beast. We get results back in two days.
Sooooo ....
Thanks for your continued love and prayers. Means the world to the Pratt family!
Just got off of the phone with him. He's out of surgery and sounds like a young whipper-snapper already.
From what the surgeon saw, Mr. J's lymph nodes looked clean. But, he did take a few to make sure that there was no trace of The Beast. We get results back in two days.
Sooooo ....
Thanks for your continued love and prayers. Means the world to the Pratt family!
Love you Uncle Johnny ...

Now, I cannot profess to know what it's like to have a prostate. Balls: yes. Prostate: NO!
All I can say is that I've had to have surgery to remove cancer from my body.
My uncle and aunt flew to Baltimore a few days ago in preparation for My Uncle Johnny's surgery.
They're at John's Hopkins. After much research, Johnny chose this amazing institution.
I know he'll be fine on Tuesday. I know he'll rally. I know that our sweet Maw Maw & Paw Paw will be with him, in spirit.
He's made them so, so proud all these years. I wish I could be there myself.
Please hold this dear Cancer Club buddy/uncle in your heart and prayers.
We love you, Johnny & Sam.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Yeah, that's right ...

I dragged my ass outta bed this morning to do the MS walk here in Seattle. I did it because a fabulous woman's son was just diagnosed with the disease. Angela King has been a fellow warrior of our Cancer cause. She is the same woman that has done all of the amazing pieces at Fox Q13 in honor of the Young Survivor Coalition affiliate here in Seattle. She is a force of nature. Single Mama for years. Kind, pensive, and always looking out for others. This woman sent a last minute e-mail last week to her pals to say that her son, Taylor, had just been diagnosed with MS. She started up a team for the walk. Her friends and family raised so much money in a VERY FEW DAYS that she was acknowledged today by KING5 (a rival station) during the walk.
Angela "be-dazzled" these little plastic clapper hands. That proved to be the highlight of our walk!
We all met up ... sat there like cattle on the 20 yard line at Husky Stadium...
And then ... we walked.
If any of us separated, we'd raise our clapper hand and we ended up finding our co-walkers.
Yes, dear reader: I WAS the asshole that made comments about all of us "having the clap." I DID complain about getting up on "The Lord's Day" to do more walking than I will EVER do in ANY given year. Between breast cancer and MS, I think God is telling me "You don't exercise, so here's my gift to you."
This is what I said to God: "Thanks Dude. Especially for the passive aggressive bikers on 'Burke Gilman' that bitched at the walkers." But, I'm still breathing. So, I had to retract some stuffs I said to God.
Glad I was snarky enough in the AM to yell back at them "Hey, Lance Armstrong ... we're walking for MS ... DEAL WITH IT!" Shit, there were notices posted on that trail FOR WEEKS that told these, apparent, professional bikers that there would be a walk on April 3rd. My question is: If you're that intense and professional of a biker, why in the name of Ketchup are you A) Doing the Burke Gilman ... & B) Yelling at people doing a walk for such a great cause. I don't trust an asshole in spandex. Just saying ...
Dear Lord ... at that point, I wanted to walk into a Bingo parlor like we all did during our 1st Breast Cancer 3-Day walk for Komen and take a shot a Patron. But... those were the "good old days."
I know this blog has been, strongly, based on my breast cancer story and its trials, tribulations, and "stuffs."
However, it would be fairly easy for all of us (including myself) to shift a bit and try to focus on other causes important to us and those that have had our backs from DAY ONE. I, personally, have been supported by so, so many amazing people from so many different walks of life.
BIG LOVE AND PRAYERS to Taylor and Angela tonight. Love you both, dearly.
p.s. TODAY I HAD THE CLAP AND WALKED WITH A BUNCH OF OTHER FOLKS THAT DID AS WELL. I guess I'm gonna have to bring awareness to 'The Clap" now ... SHITE!!!!!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Two of my favorites ...
... singing one of my favorite songs....
p.s. Why in the HELL wasn't this on American Idol this week????!!!
p.s. Why in the HELL wasn't this on American Idol this week????!!!
Guess who just "touched down" in Iceland ...

Miss Mama ST has dreamt of going to Iceland for years. A few months ago, she decided that it was important to put a plan in order to make this dream come true.
I have to say, my "cancer club" girls find a way to live their dreams more than most folks I know. I think, after what we've all gone through, we all understand the immediacy of our passions in life.
If there is one thing cancer has "given" us ... other than new (fake) boobs ... it's the importance of living in the moment.
It's hard to be spontaneous and pull these feats off. It DOES take a bit of planning. Nonetheless, It's so fabulous to see my girls taking life's "bull by the horns" and living their dreams!
So, Miss Sarah, enjoy gorgeous Iceland. You MORE than deserve it!
I love you, love you, love you.
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