I dragged my ass outta bed this morning to do the MS walk here in Seattle. I did it because a fabulous woman's son was just diagnosed with the disease. Angela King has been a fellow warrior of our Cancer cause. She is the same woman that has done all of the amazing pieces at Fox Q13 in honor of the Young Survivor Coalition affiliate here in Seattle. She is a force of nature. Single Mama for years. Kind, pensive, and always looking out for others. This woman sent a last minute e-mail last week to her pals to say that her son, Taylor, had just been diagnosed with MS. She started up a team for the walk. Her friends and family raised so much money in a VERY FEW DAYS that she was acknowledged today by KING5 (a rival station) during the walk.
Angela "be-dazzled" these little plastic clapper hands. That proved to be the highlight of our walk!
We all met up ... sat there like cattle on the 20 yard line at Husky Stadium...
And then ... we walked.
If any of us separated, we'd raise our clapper hand and we ended up finding our co-walkers.
Yes, dear reader: I WAS the asshole that made comments about all of us "having the clap." I DID complain about getting up on "The Lord's Day" to do more walking than I will EVER do in ANY given year. Between breast cancer and MS, I think God is telling me "You don't exercise, so here's my gift to you."
This is what I said to God: "Thanks Dude. Especially for the passive aggressive bikers on 'Burke Gilman' that bitched at the walkers." But, I'm still breathing. So, I had to retract some stuffs I said to God.
Glad I was snarky enough in the AM to yell back at them "Hey, Lance Armstrong ... we're walking for MS ... DEAL WITH IT!" Shit, there were notices posted on that trail FOR WEEKS that told these, apparent, professional bikers that there would be a walk on April 3rd. My question is: If you're that intense and professional of a biker, why in the name of Ketchup are you A) Doing the Burke Gilman ... & B) Yelling at people doing a walk for such a great cause. I don't trust an asshole in spandex. Just saying ...
Dear Lord ... at that point, I wanted to walk into a Bingo parlor like we all did during our 1st Breast Cancer 3-Day walk for Komen and take a shot a Patron. But... those were the "good old days."
I know this blog has been, strongly, based on my breast cancer story and its trials, tribulations, and "stuffs."
However, it would be fairly easy for all of us (including myself) to shift a bit and try to focus on other causes important to us and those that have had our backs from DAY ONE. I, personally, have been supported by so, so many amazing people from so many different walks of life.
BIG LOVE AND PRAYERS to Taylor and Angela tonight. Love you both, dearly.
p.s. TODAY I HAD THE CLAP AND WALKED WITH A BUNCH OF OTHER FOLKS THAT DID AS WELL. I guess I'm gonna have to bring awareness to 'The Clap" now ... SHITE!!!!!
xoxo Anna! Thanks for being there for us!!!
Wouldn't have missed that fabulous day!
Wouldn't have missed that fabulous day!
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