Thursday, June 16, 2011

Godspeed "Tink" ...

A new angel awaits us.
Tracy lost her battle with cancer.
It was a shocking ending to a beautiful battle, as that sweet woman was such a fighter: for other survivors, for the cause of animals, and for her plans to raise a child. She and her husband, Romeo, fought very hard to make sure they could raise a child of their own. That child would have been so, so blessed.
The chemo that she was on was, clearly, too much for her tired body to handle.
I got word early this morning that she had left us.
I'm still shocked.
Why does this disease take us so RANDOMLY???? Those of us left behind wait for the other shoe to drop. The first (hidden) question in our minds is "Am I next????"
We wonder why we were "saved" for the next minute, day, month, year. It could be any one of us tomorrow. Not lost on us. That's the hard part. We live our lives knowing that we are NOT safe. We all know the stats, the studies, the odds ...
We, also, live our lives mourning our heros; women that have faced what we fear.
The YSC girls are mourning after many setbacks during the past few months. It's been a cluster-fuck of Awful. Too many ladies having to reset their realities to answer to Cancer.
However, those ladies have the biggest BALLS I've ever seen.
Circling the wagons as I type.
Tink, you are missed. You are loved. And, you're a true warrior.
I'll be sure to chat to you later when my head's on my pillow.

p.s. I'll meet you some time later at the Possum Holler!

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