I HATE CANCER. Cannot begin to explain how deep that comment goes. Cannot begin to tell you how pissed I am that some of my best friends have had bad news in regards to their cancer this week. You know what? Since when did it become OKAY for a child to have to spend their childhood racking up memories of their mother living with fucking cancer?!!!!!!!!! How in the name of GOD is that acceptable?! My childhood is ingrained in my head: swimming, skiing, laughing, friends, family, sun, snow, crushes, etc. NEVER IN THOSE MEMORIES WOULD I EVER FIND MY MOTHER BATTLING A LIFE THREATENING DISEASE. I makes me nauseous. It is horrid. No child should have to grow up with that in the forefront of their childhood memories.
For that, Cancer, I hate you. Not that I didn't before. But, I do even to a greater extent (if that's possible) NOW.
Please take time to send love and prayers to those that might need them right now. Please take time to reflect upon your own life ... children, work, relationship, lifestyle. Please make sure that you're happy. Make sure that you're doing what you need to do to be proud of yourself and do what makes you happy.
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