Well, the weekend was loverly. I had a wonderful time at my girlfriend Elizabeth's birthday party. She made a grand speech that had me blubbering like a baby the ENTIRE time. Normally, I'm pretty calm during those speeches. But, I was THAT person in the room that looked like I had just watched some horrible Lifetime Channel movie. Several of the Cancer-Club ladies were there, as well. We ALWAYS end up having a hysterical time. The pic is of the ladies that night.
On my way home, I noticed a woman in her car with her hazard lights on. She was by herself. So, I pulled up behind her to see if I could help. Her car stalled and wouldn't start. Nice BMW, nice lady. BUT ... she was freaked out. New to town. Apparently knew that she was in the "not so nice" area of Seattle. When a man drove by and asked if he could help, "Sure, it'd be great if you and I could push her car into this lot." As soon as he got outta the car she started acting weird and said, "no, no, no ... let's wait for AAA. I don't want anyone to get hit by oncoming traffic." He walked back to his car. I apologized and thanked him for his time. As soon as he left, she said, "couldn't you smell the alcohol on him. He was DRUNK!" I told her NO. He, honestly, wasn't drunk. HE WAS BLACK. It was so damned obvious why she was reacting the way she was. I wanted to say, "um, I've had a couple glasses of wine at my function. Why didn't you complain about me?!"
In any case, I stayed with her until the cops came. That's right, she got AAA to call the cops. So, they show up and I pull out the camera. Had to take pics that. At that point, I found it funny that I'm sitting on the side of the road with 2 men in "Gang Unit" attire. I'm sure, once she saw that, she was putting her new condo on the market and heading back to Oregon.
AAA came, I went home.
The other pics are of Silas going to the store. He decided, last night - when our pal Lisa was here, that he needed to go to 7-11. He got his back pack on and we acted like we would stay here and let him go. It was hysterical. He actually, as we hid in the bushes, said "burrrrr ... it's cold. I need my hoody." He came back inside and got a jacket. At that point we asked him if it was okay if we went with him. Thank God he said yes!
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