What a gorgeous evening. We spent tonight dining in the "out of doors." My dear mama Bhama came over and we dined on spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, and wine. As I've said before, she's back in town. I'm thrilled about that. Another amazing thing: one of the amazing actresses doing the workshop in NYC is a pal of Bhamas. Emily and I chatted about that yesterday. But, it was great to see Bhama's face light up when I surprised her with this. Bhama adores Emily. What are the damned odds? Small, small world. I am by NO means Kevin Bacon ... but I can out-dance that dude ANY day of the week!!!
The pics included tonight are from the disco boat party that my co-worker, Jonathan, threw on Saturday. It was so much fun. I don't think I've danced that much in 8 years. It was a ball. Kevin's attire made him look like JJ from Good Times. All I could hear in my head, when he walked by, was "DYNOMITE!!!!!" I, obviously, wore a white afro wig. One fellow, actually, asked me if that was my "real hair." I wanted to say, either "how much have you had to drink?" or "are your parents related?" But, I didn't. I just laughed and said "I wish." And I do. After hating wearing wigs while acting ... and hating them during chemo (by the way, I didn't wear them), I spent an evening loving that piece of magic. It was so, so fantastic. I think, as a hair dresser, I'm a bit of a hair snob. And, I've always had a thing for "The Afro." Damn, if I could have that hair, I'd pay big, big bucks! I know my African-American/Black/Sistah friends would probably serve me on this, as I know that having to deal with textured hair is a bitch. But, if a genie granted me a "hair wish", it would be to be able to have that blonde afro for a month. After that, I'd probably be exhausted from having to deal with it.
But, for that month, I'd RAWK that SHIZZZ. Loves me a 'fro. Can't it come back?! Please???!!!! I might have to work on trend...
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