These are my loves from Coyote Rep. These are the people that spent a beautiful summer weekend in a room workshopping a show about my cancer experience and my blog. They must have better things to do with their time, as they all live in New York. But, they have taken time out of their lives to bring awareness to the breast cancer cause.
I spent, nearly, an hour on a conference call with the group getting to know everyone and answering questions ... very candid questions. Everyone was so kind to preface questions with "If this is too personal, just let me know..." Oh hell. They don't know me THAT well, yet. I was glad to answer any question, as I think that it's important that what we go through as young survivors gets "out there." Plus, I'm not the most modest of gals...
I'm so excited to see where this heads. I'm, also, thinking Donnetta might wanna pick up knitting or something just in case this thing falls on deaf ears.
Either way, I'm so thanking for her love and passion about this project that is so very close my heart. Just as she is.
It was the most amazing weekend. I can say it has made a better person for having been a part of it. Such a beautiful group of people working on telling the story of a beautiful person.
Thought you might want to know this morning I called my doctor's office and told them I was in my early thirties, I lost my mom to breast cancer and my grandmother had breast cancer and I would like to start getting scanned. They told me they would absolutely not let me have a scan unless I was certain I had a lump. I told them I felt it was important I start getting scanned now and that it was also for piece of mind and they told me that would not give a scan for that. You are right how do we lessen young women being diagnosed late if they won't even let us get screened.
So good to hear your voice. I can't wait to see where this project goes. I feel honored to know you.
Call your insurance company. Actually, go to your ob and tell them your concerns. Generally, the rule of thumb is that you start getting scanned 10 years prior to the age of the youngest person diagnosed: If your mama was 40 at diagnosis, then you'd need to go in at 30. Your doctor can and SHOULD at least send you in for a mammogram, if nothing else. I, still, cannot believe that young women are still being discriminated against. It was great to talk with you yesterday. What a great group of people! xoxo.
I wasn't in the pic, but I was THERE! It was an amazing experience getting to know you better through this workshop. Thanks for all of your honesty and openness with us! We were all so inspired by you if that's not too cheesy of a thing to say. But you made us want to CREATE ART! What could be better? I am so excited to see where it goes next.. and don't you worry about D, that woman's got art up her sleeve AND she knitted the sleeve! :)
Be well,
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