Many moons ago, shortly after my diagnosis, Kevin's cousin sent me a beautiful Brighton bracelet. Brighton makes beautiful bracelets in honor of breast cancer survivors. I "won" mine in 2006. Not long after getting that gorgeous bracelet, I met a gorgeous girlfriend that had also been diagnosed. And, as chance would have it, she had been gifted with the same bracelet. We both adored them. Felt like the Wonder Twins with those things.
Time took its toll on my bracelet. Rendered it unwearable ... which, broke my heart.
At a White Elephant Christmas party last year, my cancer club girlfriends and I exchanged and traded gifts. Low and behold, I ended up getting that very same bracelet that K-Dawg and I so adored. I was ecstatic. But, upon the very last "exchange", the bracelet was no longer mine.
It was a while before I found out that K-Dawg was upset that that had happened. She had shared, after the party, that she was upset at the situation. Long story ... but, apparently it weighed upon her enough to plan on going to the jewelry store and getting that Brighton bracelet for me. As we all know, she didn't make it there.
All I know is that her best friend shared with me, after her death, that one of her last conversations with Dawg was about that damned bracelet. And, that she had planned on getting me this bracelet that I loved but couldn't afford.
It still breaks me up. Thinking about that. How she could ever find the time to plan that during all that she was going through still gets me. That something that trivial had been layed upon her world.
K-Dawg ... I was gifted with the bracelet tonight. A new version. But, just as beautiful. Your words weren't lost on E-Beth that night, my girl.
Thank you, Korrelly. It's so, so beautiful. I don't deserve it. But, will treasure it eternally. What a beautiful, beautiful gift.
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