What a brilliant weekend. Thousands of walkers did the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk here in Seattle. To walk, you must raise $2,300.00. Not an easy gig. But, at the closing ceremonies tonight, the count was at 5.5 MILLION dollars. So, so amazing.
This year, a group of fire fighters walked the entire 60+ miles wearing their garb ... suits, boots, jackets, and oxygen tanks. It was nuts. Apparently, so many people wanted to pose with them along the way that they started charging $5.00 for each picture. The money raised went to the 3-Day. I heard a rumor that they raised, nearly, $11,000.00 during the walk. Just in pictures. Again, it was a rumor. But, I don't doubt it.
Silas took a great pic with them after the closing ceremony tonight. We tried to donate, but they refused, as they knew that we were all survivors. I'll put the pic up later.
There are many more 3-day pics to come, after the ladies get a good night of sleep ... or three.
We had an amazing day of "walker stalking." Our pals have spent a hard, hard weekend walking 60 miles. You've no idea what that can do to ones feet. HUGE blisters, Knee and joint issues, and forget owning 10 toenails. Most of us lost at least one toenail during the 2007 3-Day walk.
It's a beast. But, it's for an amazing cause. The people that train and do this walk are warriors. They are supporting the cause, the survivors, and those we've lost to breast cancer.
I'll never be able to articulate how thankful I am for what the walkers and crew have done this year AND every year that they participate.
What I CAN articulate is that Sarah and I cruised around in my cousin's '57 Chevy Bel Air today, whilst stalking our walker friends. I love that car more than my own lost boobies. It's a beauty and a beast ... Colie and Courtney drove a Jeep with the kids. It was decked out with all sorts of 3-day garb.
It was a phenomenal experience ~ as is every 3-Day walk.
If you're looking for a challenge that's not too invasive, consider doing the 3-Day walk next year. You will never regret it. Actually, you will thank yourself for doing it.
Wanna thank my girlfriends that did the walk this year. Hate that I was unable to do it. But, I'm so thankful for being there to see them and their strength.
Night, night dear girls. Sleep well in your own beds tonight.
I love you.
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