Friday, February 12, 2010

Freedom Cry ... Deep Forest.

This has been one of my all-time favorite songs since college. Would listen to it before doing shows, as it gave me a sense of strength and peace. "Freedom Cry" by Deep Forest is an old Hungarian song that was modernized ... as most of Deep Forest's songs tend to be. The song is based on a man that was imprisoned, struggled, and was singing out from his cell to be relieved of his strife and set free:

Úgy hallgatja (j)az eso suhanását,
Engedjék el nem rig (rég?) látó (látott?) urá(hoz?)
Korán reggel feltekintek az égre
Kényes bugyli, (a) komisz kinyírt (kenyeret) levágják
Boci baja az is itt lett elvág(va).
Korán reggel feltekinték az égre,
Mé(g), kisangyalom!

Úgy hallgatja az eso suhanását,
Engedjék el nem rig (rég?) látó (látott?) urá(hoz?)
Korán reggel feltekintek az égre
Van egy madár, aki elhordja majd,
Mé(g), kisangyalom(?)

Bele vagyok elevenen temetve, elevenen
Sárgulok is, de nagyon,
Anyus, majd megírom, hogy mikor szabadulok,

Még, kisangyalom
Úgy hallgassa az esot,
Van egy madár, aki elhordja majd,

Még, kisangyalom

Korán reggel feltekintek a polcra,
Úgy hallgatja az eso(t)..
Van egy madár, aki elhordja, még
Engedjék el nem riglá (rég látott?).

Yes, I know: most all of us don't have a damned clue what I just wrote. The first time I heard this song, it sounded like a celebration song to me. I assumed it was such a song for years. It wasn't until later that I found out about the true meaning of the lyrics. After finding out what this aged song was based upon and reading the translation, it took on a totally different meaning. It was the perfect dichotomy. Both meanings make sense and the music perfectly reflects that to me.
Such an amazing old story.

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