Sunday, February 19, 2012

Brilliant weekend??? Check!

What does one do when they have had a fabulous weekend in Levenworth yanked from them when someone underbids them on a house at the f--king last minute?
Whelp ... One takes their kid on a cheap road trip for the weekend ... with the huge stinky mastodons that are, said, ones' dogs.  Now, in preparation for such a trip, you've gotta find a nice/clean/cheap HOTEL ... not "MOTEL" ... with a nice indoor pool.
I'm done with motels.
Creepiest one:  I was with my ex and we thought it would be fun to go to a seedy joint.  After a trip to the local super market, bleach in hand, we cleaned the room.  We took pictures of the blood splatters on the "head board" which was actually a panel of shag carpet.  I (as per usual) payed for the damned room.  And, the army mattress we slept on was thinner than a sheet of tissue paper and had what appeared to be shit-stains on it.  Again, bleach prevails.
I should have known this was to be a sign of things to come in our relationship.  Especially considering the fact that I had to pay for that dump.  But, I digress ....
Moving on .....  when one has 2 mammoth furry beasts in tow, it's important to check the pet policies at the hotels.  We found one that accepted dogs (up to 2) with no pet deposit.
Had I known a hockey tournament was in the area, I would have nixed the idea.  Well, I would have nixed it unless they were grown men.  Hockey players are hot!  Just not the teenage version.  And, of course, these were the teenage version.
Obnoxious teenage hockey players aside, we had a blast.
Silas is still practicing his swimming skills, his hot tub decorum, his opening doors for inappropriately dressed 14 year old girls (cue vomit), his not saying "Mama, look at Otis' penis throwing up!" (don't ask), his .......................
But,  Man OH MAN, we had a fabulous weekend.  Good fun.  Good food.  Good Jumping on the bed.  Good swims.  Great laughs!
We finished our weekend over at Uncle Travis and Uncle Kevin's house for a few hours this afternoon.  Travis' Mama recently sent him his old GI Joe figurines from when he was Silas' age.  I, nearly, hit the floor laughing at the fact that my Gay Husband played with these.  It, actually, makes sense that they are still in such perfect condition!
Travis is such a love to my sweet boy.  They played with those dudes for an hour or so.  He is an amazing support to Silas.   Travis is enamored with Silas.  That says quite a bit to me.
It means the world to me for him to have such an AMAZING man in his life (amongst the many) ... even if he does wear more tinted moisturizer and designer clothes/shoes than me.  BITCH!
p.s. Many REAL men can and do wear tinted moisturizer.  I just hate that it looks better on them!


jaiganeshji said...


Deborah said...

Sounds like so much fun! Love to both of you (and Travis)!!!! XOXO

Travis said...

This is great ! You are such a great storyteller... You are right about the Silas part. He is a great kid and I forget how they demand you be present , in the moment.
You are a great mom and are FILLED with love... And it shows. Love you honey!,
Btw Laura Mercier has the best tinted moisturizer. :)

Dorcas Anna Warren said...

Travis, I think you might be gay. Just saying...