So, here are the photos from Grammie. The pics are of Silas and Grammie, Silas and Uncle Levi, and Uncle Levi and his adorable girlfriend before Homecoming. Regan was a homecoming princess, thus the crown. She's a hoot. Fits in with the family like gang-busters.
Again, we had a wonderful time. Next time we go to Yakima, we'll probably be able to share pictures of snow. It's great there in the winter. Getting over the pass is the problem.
I had a really busy day today. THAT IS GOOD. The salon has been quiet this month, as folks are gearing up for the holidays. They wait to get their hair done before the religious holidays. There are too many to mention ... and spell.
I'm starting my countdown to my last big reconstructive surgery. I am "booked" for December 22nd. That's right. The week of Christmas, I will get these big-ass expanders out of my poor chest and will, FINALLY, get my implants. I miss having squishy boobs and laying on my stomach to sleep at night. Once I heal (a week), we fly to South Carolina. We'll fly out on New Years Eve. I'm soooooo looking forward to being home and spending time with everyone. It'll be wonderful to get home.
Off like a prom dress. We're eating jambalaya tonight.
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