It got awfully blustery this evening. We came home from having a nice Mexican dinner and settled in. Suddenly this black cloud enveloped the sky and the trees started swaying. I, personally, love that kind of weather. It's lovely. The rain started pouring and the remainder of the little birch tree leaves fell in clumps. Hate that they are leaving us (no pun intended) but I love rainy/stormy weather. Not surprising that I love the weather up here. However, I wish it rained harder and was less misty. If you're gonna do it, DO IT. I think. This explains some of the more aggressive treatments that I'm on. I know many don't do them. But, for me, it's worth it. As long as my heart scans are good, I'm good. That's that.
The pics in this post crack me up. One is of two red blobs. They are hats knitted by my friend/agent. She knitted the first one when I was diagnosed and was going through chemo. It was my best friend. So soft and warm. But, not constricting. The second was made by her recently. When I went bald again, for no reason, we shaved Silas' head. It was his wish. So, she knitted another ... from the same material. Apparently she's held on to this material for several years, as it had been discontinued. So, she knitted the same hat for Silas in a tinier version. When she put it on his head tonight, I started laughing hysterically. It was just surreal to see my chemo-hat on him. I've always been apposed to children dressing like their siblings or parents. It's creepy. But, the little hats seem different to me. They represent so much more than someone wanting to use their child as an accessory. My Mosey shaved his head to look like his Mama. Somewhere, in him, he may just know the facts. But, as far as he's concerned, I shaved my head "so I could grow new hair 'cause I was tired of the old stuff." So, we are gonna wear hats to continue the tie. Just my take.
The other pic is of a photo OF a painting OF Kevin and me. Our girlfriend Sandi is an artist. She did a series of paintings based on the seven deadly sins. She chose us as lust. NO comment. In any case, she will be starting a new painting this week. She planned, nearly a year ago, to do an Amazon Woman painting. I guess it's fitting that I was left with one breast when she decided to do it. So, this week, I'll begin posing for her. She's got photos of me throughout the process. Now, it's just a matter of pulling out the bow and arrow and getting the warriors face to match the body. I imagine that it won't be that hard to muster up the visage of a warrior with one breast caught in the midst of battle. Not hard at all.
1 comment:
That is hilarious! I totally thought the photo of the hats was two burgers of some sort!! I was so puzzled as to why you posted a photo of two uncooked burgers... bwa-ha-ha! What a dork I am!
I love that your sweet boy insisted on shaving his head in solidarity with his mama. What a love...
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