The picture isn't doctored folks. I've heard rumors for some time and decided that it simply COULDN'T be. But, it is true. There in the flesh ... or the feathers, as it were ... is the mysterious creature that has apparently been living amongst the cows on my family's farm back in York, South Carolina. Yep, you heard it: the mysterious creature is none other than a frickin' EMU! Not on a farm in Australia. York, South Carolina. He thinks he's a cow. He stays in the fence and roams those several hundred acres with all the cows, bulls, and calfs.
"How did that damned bird end up on your farm?", you ask. Well, dear reader, that is an extremely good question. And the answer would be, "beats the shit outta me." No one in the family knows how the critter came to our beautiful land. I guess he got a notion that the grass was greener ...
I think I'll name him/her. I think that should be our next step. We need to determine if it's a cow or a bull, first.
p.s. Get a load of the cow with the white face. She looks perplexed! Priceless.
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