Three years isn't a LONG time, to most. But, to a cancer survivor, it can seem like a life time. Especially in retrospect. The fact that I've been lucky enough to thrive for these past three years is huge to me. I've, probably, experienced more of "life" in the past three years than most people my age. I've had a baby, nursed a baby, baby weaned himself for no apparent reason, my breast (after his weaning) looked odd, I got diagnosed with cancer, I had a mastectomy and lymph node removal, I had my port placed, I started chemo, I finished chemo, I started radiation, I finished radiation, I was being supported (infinitely) by my family, friends, and my new friends from the YSC, I did the Breast Cancer 3-day walk, I entered menopause, I chose to remove my healthy breast and had reconstructive surgery, I began the "fills" to stretch my chest in preparation for the permanent implants, I had my exchange surgery and got those nice squishy implants ... I LOST A DEAR, DEAR GIRLFRIEND ... what a loss ... what blow ... the aftermath, astounding. My son celebrated his 3rd birthday, my husband, his 32nd. My body began to heal, the implants began to "settle", I did the Race for the Cure, I was honored with being named "Survivor of the Year" ... and, considering that I had campaigned SO hard for it, I'm glad that ALL my "hard work" paid off! Honestly, I didn't even know there was such a thing as "Survivor of the Year" until I was called with the news. I'll take it ... it was a great opportunity to raise more money: Salon Joseph raised over a thousand dollars in one day for the cause. I'm so, so proud of my co-workers/family. June: my Mama was diagnosed with breast cancer, I flew home (thanks to my brother's generosity), Silas got to spend much time with my wonderful family while I helped out with my Mama and my Pop who has prostate cancer. I celebrated my 35th birthday. Oct. 3rd: I was able to spend an amazing night with the YSC-Seattle raising nearly $10,000 for the cause.
I am blessed beyond belief. I am alive. I have the most amazing family, friends, clients, and support network a girl could EVER imagine.
Though it's been a very long three years, it's been beautiful. That I have made it to the three year mark is fantastic. That I have been able to go through this experience whilst being supported so graciously by others is amazing.
There have been some very rough times. We've all been there. But, today, on my Three Year Cancerversary, I'm feeling pretty damned thrilled to be here and surrounded by such amazing people.
Thank you all so very much for all the love and support you've given. It's NEVER lost on me.
Kiss my ass Lil Miss Cancer...
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