Working 6 days a week ... in a row ... doesn't afford much play-time. But, We got in quite a bit on Sunday.
Marco's birthday party was held at Chuck E. Cheese's. Yes, I just couldn't go another year without visiting THAT peaceful haven. So, off we went: at 10:30. That was key. There were barely any kids in there and we had access to most all of the games without having to see any crazy old ladies ride that life-sized horse and an overly seductive manner ...
So, we ate some pizza, I drank a beer with my new Chuck E. Cheese cup, and we played lots and lots of games.
That afternoon, Grammie and Grandaddy drove up from Yakima to celebrate my belated birthday with us. As always, they came bearing wonderful gifts of fruit and veggies from their garden, lots of treats for Silas, and a great birthday gift for me: a fabulous (and plush) vest for winter. Fashion AND function!
We took them (or rather, they-us) to Fremont to Kevin's restaurant. It was, as usual, a wonderful visit. We hope to make it back to Yakima soon. Our schedules are so, so crazy right now that it's hard to even get a moment to sit here at home. But, today I have a day "off." Meaning, a day of running to the bank, spending half the day on the phone with my damned insurance company fighting with them about why they are not paying bills that should be covered by them, and continuing this fight against the army of fruit flies that have taken over this house.
What is it with the little shits this year? I mean, I've set all sorts of booby traps and sweet (toxic) drinks out for them. Not doing a damn thing. And, how are they multiplying so quickly?! I mean, with all that procreating, you'd think they'd have very little time to be buzzing around and driving one mad.
Back to google I go!
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