First off ... here are some pics of our fabulous ladies night. One includes the adorable John Howie, himself. What a love that fellow is. So generous and so kind. A real gem.
Secondly, my house smells like Italy.
I awoke last night (or rather, this morning) ... at 1:00am ... to Silas yelling at Tootsie. At any other time, this would not have been an anomaly. But, at 1:00am it was perplexing.
I got up to find that Mosey had (while I was sleeping) gotten into my drawer-o-herbs and proceeded to dump them into the pets' water bowl, Tootsie's food dish, and the fish bowl. Not only that, but he had emptied 3 containers of fish food into the fish bowl. OH, and he dumped a bottle of this naturopathic calming shit (for kids) into the the fish bowl as well. Needless to say, I ended up with a floater. Poor little Cheryl. At least she passed in a "calm" manner.
After unloading on Silas and making him watch me pull all of the, ten, empty herb containers out of the trash where he so stealth fully placed them, I put him back to bed. There were herbs all over the carpet, kitchen, animals' food dishes, fish bowl, counter, etc.
It smells like Pasta Bella in here. I am now certain that oregano is the strongest smelling herb on earth. I thought that garlic was the king. Garlic just got trumped.
At least it covers up any pee pee smell from Tootsie's potty training. Oh, and it makes us appear to be fabulous cooks. Not bad...
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