These precious girls have been mentioned on this blog before. But, I'd just like to give a shout-out to them tonight. These women were my best friends in college and continue to inspire me. We've all moved on since the ol' days at The College of Charleston. Babies, love, death(s), marriages, work... work, art, sickness, money, loss of money, loss of marriage(s), life.
These women knew me when I was a VIRGIN. No joke.
And ... they knew me after I became a "non-virgin."
They were the first, actually, to know that I had ... at 22 ... gone "rogue."
We practiced our art(s) together. We laughed our balls off. We ate, drank, and lived art ... and supported one another ... and we have all been through the ringer. Each and every one of us. I cannot believe that each one of us dealt with such harsh issues. It's amazing to me.
So, I'd like to send my love to the "Charleston 7" tonight. A fabulous lot of women that I will forever hold close to my heart and soul. We danced to "Boogie on Reggae Woman" whilst getting ready for parties in Chuck-Town.
And on that note, I'd like to dedicate the following song to them. It was always one of our favorites. We'd sit and sing it late, late at night ... or driving along a beautiful coastal highway ... or, running naked on Folly Beach.
These pics were taken in Asheville. Celebrating Eli's pregnancy.
If any of you end up with girlfriends like this, try to hold on to them. It's such a blessing.
Though I wasn't there for the trip, I'm so blessed to still have them.
Cannot imagine my world without them. They are such an amazing FORCE.
Anna W
p.s. I love you girls.