Dear Lord, where to begin????
I believe our trip to NYC may have very well been on my top 5 of my entire life. To start off ... these photos are from The Hotel Chelsea, where we stayed during our visit. It is, hands down, one of the most amazing and quirky hotels EVER! I was well aware of its history: Sid killing Nancy there, Andy W. spending so much time there, and so many artists that used it as a refuged. Some still do. So, there are still residents mingling along-side of us tourist types.
So, the pics that I've shared, thus far, are of some of the gorgeous artwork that splashes every wall and hallway on EVERY floor of the building. A pic of our K-Dawg is hiding behind a particularly interesting piece of artwork there.
The family and friends arrived with a bang and we had THE MOST FUN AND HYSTERICAL TIME. It was a one for The Bucket List, I can assure you.
The New Normal proved to be one of The most fabulous/funny/tear-jerking/real/well written shows that I've seen in my 36 years. It was phenomenal. The audience ate it up. The cast was brilliant. The crew, likewise. Isaac and Donnetta have done such an amazing job getting this show up. I'm honored, beyond words and heart, to be a part of this amazing piece.
We were able to hang out with quite a few of the YSC gals, as some live in NYC and some were there to be a part of the opening of the SCAR PROJECT. So, E-Beth and I took it in on Friday ... we spent the evening with some of our sweet gals that posed, as they went to the play with us.
So, so much more to write. I await pics from friends and family. I'll highjack those and put them up on the blog and get into specifics about this most beautiful trip.
Until then ...
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