This woman is a force of nature. Angela has followed the stories of all of us YSC girls for years. Her first meeting with us was at Gasworks Park, here in Seattle, two years ago. Today, several of the original gals got together to meet up with Angela, as per her request, to do a little follow-up on her (nearly) Emmy nominated piece from those 2 years ago. It was quite surreal ... the "reunion."
It was fabulous to see Angela's sweet face and to have her sidled up on the floor with us at Gilda's Club talking about what has transpired these past few years.
We had some hard moments, as one of our former "cast members" wasn't there. Our K-Dawg is gone. That was hard.
But, we made sure to share her story ... including the joys and heartbreaks.
We've all grown in so many ways. We've all had so many phenomenal moments. So many moments that we hold dear. However, we've all, also, had so many moments that have brought us to our knees in despair. We're blessed to have such a great group of women with which to share those highs and lows.
I cannot thank Miss Angela King enough for spending so much time and heart and soul for covering our stories and lives. She has followed us down this path.
Angela is an amazing woman. An amazing journalist. An amazing advocate. And ... she's an honorary YSC girl!
Honestly, at this point, she's not "following" us down the "path". To me, she's walking it with us ...side by side.
Thank you, sweet girl.
p.s. I highjacked this photo from the Q13 Website ... please don't sue me!
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