Friday, May 14, 2010

What is your passion?

I feel that we all get caught up in the world and our own worlds sometimes that we forget that we forget about ourselves ... our individuality and our passion OR passions.
Years ago, I was asked what my "ONE true passion" was ... in a job interview. I answered by saying that I would feel restricted by having only one passion, as I felt that I had several artistic passions that made me who I was. That was, apparently, not the answer that was expected or (maybe) desired. It was mentioned later. But, I got the job ... so ...
As if none of us are capable of, or passionate enough, or intelligent enough to embrace and thrive upon several different passions.
I wonder what those people who only have a sole "thing" to focus upon do with their extra time. Do they have extra time? Is it best to have one or many?
Who in the hell knows.
I just know that I don't have the attention span or interest in only experiencing and investing my whole self into one art. I'm happy to have been exposed to and been able to practice my art on my own terms.
Such a lovely, lovely thing.

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