Friday, November 25, 2011

Godspeed Sweet Gloria ...

Yet another Cancer Warrior is watching over us now.
Salon Joseph has lost its second cancer patient in a month.
Gloria was a force to be reckoned with.  Southern spitfire.
I went to lunch with her and Monica, her stylist at our salon, to celebrate her finishing chemo for advanced stage ovarian cancer some months ago.  Her numbers looked great, as did her PET scan.
It's amazing how quickly cancer can sneak up.
She was so, so thrilled to be done with treatment.  She was so thrilled and positive ... all the nurses at Swedish would comment on her unbelievable positivity.  She held cancer by the balls and LAUGHED the entire time.
Though she is gone, she is a shining example to me how graceful and strong we can be if we put our minds to it.  She NEVER quit.  She NEVER COMPLAINED.  She was so, so courageous ... in her stiletto heels.
Bless you, sweet girl.


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