Let it be noted that I can, at times, be a total asshole. There are specific triggers to this "Assholedom."
Get me in traffic. You'll see it. I channel some sort of inbred Harpy. You cut me off in traffic when my kid's in the car ... I'll let the middle finger fly quicker than you can say "Boo!" Not only that ... if the kid's NOT in the car, I will use words that only sailors have dared to use.
However, I look at what is going on in our world right now: the wars, the terrorism, the genocide, the famine, the national disasters, the disease, the political bullshit, the ignorance, etc. And, I have to wonder one thing: WHAT IN THE FUCK ARE WE THINKING??????? Yes, I'm a CNN junkie. So, I sit and watch it on the TV or read it on the Interweb whenever I get a free moment, which is rare of late.
We all have our own personal issues. I get it. I've got PLENTY of my own, dear reader.
But, I have to wonder if we as a species ... speaking as the "Jane Goodall" of dipshits ... will EVER, EVER figure ourselves out? I mean, will we ever figure ourselves out enough that we can start to practice a modicum of compassion ... regardless of race, religion, sexuality, gender, age, financial standing, etc?
It's just become so astounding to me that human lives seem so expendable: to people, to governments, to insurance companies, to ALL of us.
This ultra-cheesy song, sort of, speaks to me. I use to listen to it when I was a young girl and would spend summers at Angi and Pam's farm house .... many moons ago in my beloved York, South Carolina. It makes sense to me now.
"Conviction of the Heart" (Kenny Loggins)
Where are the dreams that we once had?
This is the time to bring them back.
What were the promises caught on the tips of our tongues?
Do we forget or forgive?
There's a whole other life waiting to be lived when...
One day we're brave enough
To talk with Conviction of the Heart.
And down your streets I've walked alone,
As if my feet were not my own
Such is the path I chose, doors I have opened and closed
I'm tired of living this life,
Fooling myself, believing we're right, when...
I've never given love
With any Conviction of the Heart
One with the earth, with the sky
One with everything in life
I believe we'll survive
If we only try...
How long must we all wait to change
This world bound in chains that we live in
To know what it is to forgive,
And be forgiven?
It's been too many years of taking now.
Isn't it time to stop somehow?
Air that's too angry to breathe, water our children can't drink
You've heard it hundreds of times
You say your aware, believe, and you care, but...
Do you care enough
Where's your conviction of the Heart?
One with the earth,with the sky,one with everything in life.
I believe it will start with conviction of the heart.
With the earth,with the sky,one with everything in life.
I believe it will start with conviction of the heart.
One earth,one sky,only one world,only one chance for one life.
When will we live?
One child,one dream,only one life.
You've but one chance for one life.
When will we live?
Only one earth,and only one sky,and only one world.
We've only got one chance to live in one life.
I believe, it's only gonna start when we begin with some conviction of the heart.
p.s. Don't knock the cheese! The cheese makes me nostalgic...