I have a dear pal from college who posted on his Facebook page about his political views. Of course, that can get heated at times. Alas, the feedback from one individual was pretty strong ... and, of course, countered his philosophy. The strange thing ... the woman was so very vehement and judgmental that I popped into the conversation. She said that people that are gay are "sick in the head." Well, I can assure you that those gay friends/family/clients/neighbors of mine are less "sick in the head" than some 60 year old woman that professes herself a "Christian." By saying that it is "not natural" and that they are "sick in the head" made me want to jump through my fucking computer screen and ....
I posted back on the facebook page that if she was such a fabulous "Christian", I hope that she never slept in the same bed/house with her husband when she was menstruating. I, also, noted that she would be a "bad" Christian if she didn't wash the feet of every guest that came into her home. The Bible says so...
Low and behold, the conversation got more heated between my pal and this woman. And, suddenly, the last post my pal wrote referred to her as "Mom."
I did respond to her. Stood my ground. At that point, I wasn't snarky , as her son jacked her ass up higher than a damned telephone pole prior to my post (that's my dad's line, by the way). He did this after, yet, another horrible post ... to her OWN SON. It was bizarre.
Seriously woman? You are telling the rest of us what is "natural?" That my beloved friends are "sick in the head?" Well, you know what? Those "sick in the head" people have been carrying my son and myself through a hard transition. My son has had so, so much support and love from those crazy bastards. It might be best if I make straight jackets this Christmas for all of my gay friends that are holding down great jobs, and own homes, and love life, and support their friends, and go to church, and are loyal to their partners
Apparently, they are Satan's spawn.
If that's the case, I DON'T want to know what I may be...
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