Anddddd .... it's upon us. NYC baby!!! E-Beth and I will be "setting sail" on the 14th. This trip is going to be "off the hook" as the kids say. We'll be having a date night the evening we arrive in NYC ... at Sardi's. A nice, quiet, dinner with just the two of us reflecting and such. E-Beth has never been there. I had the honor of being hosted there by a playwright professor of mine in '97 when I was a Senior in college. It's such a fabulous and historical restaurant. So, we will toast NYC and our adventures that evening.
Friday night, we'll be attending "The New Normal." From what I've gleaned, the show has started to sell out. So, it'll be interesting to see that energy. This show sounds amazing.
My family and friends (13 or so) from South Carolina arrive on Friday. We've all ended up at The Chelsea. Again, that hotel will NEVER be the same.
I've planned on attending the show, again, on Saturday.
It's still so, so surreal to me ... this experience. It's one of those "once in a lifetime" deals.
I cannot tell you how much my friends mean to me ... these women (My Hoodies) that are sending me to New York. I cannot tell you how much my family and friends from SC mean to me, as well. Those "13 or so" have all bought plane fare, hotel rooms, are missing work at various elementary schools and hospitals in the greater Charleston and York areas.
I'm so BLESSED and THANKFUL to share this moment with them.
Don't know what I did to deserve this ... But, I'm so thankful for those in my life that have made this "sinking ship" rise up, once again. It's pretty, damned, dreamy!!!!!!!
Baby steps.
p.s. ANDDDD ... none of this would have come to fruition had Donnetta not taken on this MEATY BEAST! For that: I owe you "one" sister.
Got my tix for Friday and bringing along a group of YSers who can't wait to hold space and show UP for you.
NO words ... only, "thank you." xoxo.
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