Monday, February 16, 2009

Ahhhh ... the ER

Well, life never seems to slow down at the Warren-Schumacher household.
Tonight, while washing dishes, Kevin had an unfortunate encounter with an apple slicer. Well, Kevin isn't the type that is fond of blood and needles and such. He thought that we could put a band aid on the sieve that was his finger. NO GO. So, I herded the boys into the car and we rushed off the the ER at Swedish Ballard.
Six stitches and a coloring book with crayons later, we are home and settled in. Poor Kevin has this huge wrap on his middle finger. I think it's PERFECT for driving in Seattle traffic. If that was MY finger, it'd be flying left and right whilst driving home. Better to see you with, my dear!
In any case, we've settled in and all's well. Those folks at Swedish have always done us right. Silas was born there. I had and continue to have my treatments and surgeries there. And, they are our go-to folks for emergency Warren-Schumacher issues: Silas' terribly high fever, my nasal stigmata and random hair loss (all of it), Kevin's tango with the apple slicer.
The good thing about cancer: you tend to be the one who stays pretty mellow in emergency situations, as you've faced the beast and the rest of life's foibles are just royal jelly compared to what you and your family have gone through. I mean, I'm still here ... yeah?
But, I still hate cancer.

1 comment:

Cancer Mommy said...

God, girl, I'm so glad to hear he's ok. I'm sure having a grown man to deal with in that kind of situation was way harder than it would have been if Silas was the one with the issue. Kids are such troopers, men, well, not so much.

Love ya! Give Silas a hug from me, and I hope to have those pictures uploaded soon. It takes me forever when my computer doesn't want to cooperate.