Friday, February 13, 2009

Note to self...

Never ... EVER, EVER, EVER ... ask Silas to repeat himself in public. Because, if you do, it might go like this: we were at a Thai restaurant today. Having a grand time sitting on pillows at a groovy wood table. Awesome server. Good times. Then, Silas says "Mama, I love you and oihgogapsoto." I said, "what did you say, honey?" He says, and quite loudly, "Mama, I love you and I love your vagina too!" Ummmmm .... what do ya do about that one? I said, "you know, sweety. I love you too. But, we don't really need to YELL vagina in public. That's a word that we don't yell. It's not a "bad" word. Just don't need to yell it in a restaurant."
Thank God that we were either the only ones there or two of VERY few.
That had topped off our morning of taking T's sweet 20 year old kitty to the vet to get some fluids, as she has a bad bladder infection. She's doing great now. We took Tootsie to the dog park ... and that was a ball. All 3 of us were covered in mud. Silas loves to go and see the dogs. But, he REALLY loves climbing the trees and peeing in the park. He's, always, the only kid that pees in the park. I don't understand that, as the dogs pee there all the time. In any case, Tootsie did great. I don't take her to the "shy/small dog area", as she's not quite either. She prefers to be with the big boys and girls. It's so funny. She keeps up. Sometimes, she has her ass handed to her. But, she jumps right back up and keeps running. She's so funny. One of the gals today said, "Man ... she's so confident with all the big dogs. Puppies don't normally do that." She's quite a gem. She and Silas are such good buddies. Of course, he pulls on her ears too much and drags her around by her collar ... both of which he is told "lay off dude." But, by and by, he has started saying, "Mama, Tootsie's my best friend." Not bad. Not bad, at all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my god, I love your son and the fabulous things he says! I'm still sitting here giggling. I can totally imagine the look on your face...

What a great story! It's so YOU, m'dear, and I mean that in the absolute BEST of ways!! Smooches!