Friday, May 22, 2009

Fantastic news!!!!!!!!!!

MAMA IS CANCER-FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm simly thrilled. It's been a long, long week for me. My internal monologue, constantly blabbing. I got the news today from Mama that the biopsy showed no cancer. Sweet!
Problem is, the biopsy shows that the grouping of cells ARE abnormal: displasia. Displasia is often a precursor to cancer. Mama, ever the warrior, has decided that, instead of removing the 2 areas of question, she wants to remove the entire breast. Her doctor was shocked and, apparently, tried to talk her out of it. But, she is standing strong on the issue. After she talked to her brother, who is also a doctor, she is even more compelled to go through with a prophylactic mastectomy.
I didn't tell her what I thought she should do. I would support anything she wanted to do. But, after her decision, I have to say that I was very happy. I told her as much.
Cancer isn't predictable. Her doctor may think that she is simply mutilating her own body. However, I've known SEVERAL women that were diagnosed with DCIS, a "pre-cancer", and then metasticised. Cancer doesn't play in black and white. Grey is its favorite color.
So, I'm proud of my mama for being so aggressive.
I've decided that I will be there when she has her surgery. I cannot tell you how much my cancer-club girlfriends have meant to me. No one can truly understand a mastectomy, the drains, the pain, the meds, the vision, the "what-ifs" like someone who has gone through it. I'm so happy to be there for her. Bless her heart, she said that she wants to pony up the cash so that I can make it down there. I'll make it up to her one day.
Until then, I'm so blessed and thrilled that this news is so, so much better than what it could have been.
Could someone give my damned family a BREAK now?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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