Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More news ...

So, Mama got a call today from the radiologist that read her scans earlier. Apparently, she (the radiologist) is now saying that there are 2 more areas of concern ... on top of the 2 that we already know are "pre-cancerous." Who knows what the other 2 areas would tell us. When the radiologist said, "we'd like you to come in to get these new areas biopsied," Mama replied, "No. I want the breast removed. Immediately."
You know what? Mama is a rock-star. She is choosing her own path and she refuses to back down from her choice. I commend her for her aggressiveness in dealing with this disease. She is now, technically, a breast cancer survivor in my mind.
How did this happen? How in the name of God has our family been dealt two blows in nearly 3 years.
I'll be there for my Mama. Fortunately, she is being so gracious to fly Silas and myself down to South Carolina during her surgery and recovery. I'm a pro with the meds and drains and post-treatment deal. I know my brother and sister will be hands-on as well. They are both so amazing. They are gonna be co-parents to our Mama. But, as a breast cancer survivor, I will be able to help her with the ins and outs of the recovery process. She's gonna be just fine. I'm so, so happy about this.

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