Well, we've had a long week. After getting snowed in on Saturday, we made damned sure that we would be on Capitol Hill to get my new boobies on Monday. Cue Jef. Jef came and saved us. He made his way up to Queen Anne where we were staying with Robin and Noel. We left Silas in their capable hands and headed to a hotel next to the hospital. We had champagne and watched a whole lot of trashy TV. Woke up at 5:00am and walked to Swedish. I was the only patient that made it in to surgery that day for my plastic surgeon. She was a super-trooper: walked for an hour in the snow to make it to the hospital and perform my surgery. What a bad-azz.
The girls look just fine. A bit swollen and many bruises. But, I already love them as they are smaller and much less hard than those damned expanders.
Christmas was spent convolescing here at Chez Schumacher. We went upstairs with T and built a fire and drank too much wine.
Santa brought Silas some really great toys. A Kitchen, a huge "Goodnight Moon" puzzle, t-shirts, a first-aid kit (I pray he ends up a doctor), a baseball pinball machine, etc. He's been such a great guy while Mama heals. I've not been able to pick him up ... kills me. But, we've done much cuddling.
Nonnie (my Mama) has her surgery on Monday the 29th. Please send your love and prayers. She's having a hysterectomy.
We head back to South Carolina on the 31st. We are thrilled beyond belief. It's gonna be a ball. Uncle Josh is another fishing tournament. So, we get to see him in his fancy bass boat ... and we get to ride in it. Good luck Uncle Josh!
On a different note: Please keep Janet Elkins and her family in your heart and prayers. Janet was a fellow breast cancer survivor who lost her courageous battle on Christmas eve. She was a wonderful woman with great wit and a huge heart. Please, please hold her close.
God's speed, sweet girl.