Thursday, August 7, 2008

Computer is working ... for now...

  My computer is dying.  Let's all say a prayer for my sweet lap-top that was donated to us by our sweet pals Rodney and Karen.  The computer has been heading downhill for the past couple of days.  It's been an amazing gift, however.  I would have never been able to play out my new interweb addiction without having been given this amazing gift from our amazing pals.  Tonight, it is standing strong.  It might just be rallying.  We'll wait and see.
  I went to my oncologist's new "venue" today.  Swedish, First Hill.  Love it there, as that's where I have gotten all my major surgeries.  But, I happen to have been "stuck" up in the tiny Cherry Hill Campus for my treatment.  I would go in for treatment and have ONE nurse do EVERYTHING for me.  Not only that, but we were all in Lazy Boy recliners laughing our asses off and telling off-color jokes whilst getting treated. It was like a keg party every time I went in.   Now, we're in "Gene Juarez."  One floor accesses our ports and takes blood.  Then, we get on the elevator and go to another floor to meet with our oncologist and his staff.  After that ... weight, blood pressure, temp, paper-work, questions/concerns ... we go BACK down to a different floor to get the actual treatment.
  They were all very nice.  Nice as they could be.
  I just want to go back to Dr. Fer's office and sit in my lazy-boy chair and laugh my ass off.
  My nurses are on a vacation right now ... during the transition.  If anyone deserves a break, IT IS DOCTOR MEHMET FER'S NURSES.  They have saved my life ... and they are hysterical. I missed them today.   They, I think, are taking the move just as harshly as me.  We've all gone to war together.  We have all formed such an amazing bond.  Says a lot.  I just wish they were there today.  But, I'm, certainly, more happy that they are away and resting and on vacation.  They are my ladies ... my peeps.  I'm hoping the move is very smooth for them.  Once they get settled in, I feel certain that it'll be fine.  If not, as I've told them, "Swedish can't fire ME. I'm a patient.  I'm not gonna settle."  I've been getting fantastic treatment for, nearly, 2 years now in this institution.  If they choose to change things up, great.  If the new environment interferes with treatment: not good.  If I see that I'm not able to have contact with my original nurses, who are now thrown into a general infusion center that they are struggling with, it's even more NOT GOOD.  I'm okay with change.  I'm not a fan, but can deal.  But, if I don't regularly see the ladies that helped save my life, it's gonna be a problem.  I could care less about the institution condensing things.  I think that is fine.  But, Dr. Fer's office became infamous, in regards to how progressive it was, whilst being the smallest ... and most quaint ... infusion center in Seattle.  I happened to blessed in getting in on it.
  So we're a family.  I'm saddened that Swedish felt the need to move our home over to their mainstream center.  But, it is what it is.
  Once my nurses get off of vacation, I'm certain that they'll try to do whatever it takes to get my file first, just so they can be my lady of the day.  We've already made a pact.  I'm certain that they'll do it for all of my oncologist's patients, as we've all gone through this fight together.  No switching up nurses, doctors, floors of a hospital, etc.  I have to say that the nurse I had today was great.  She was a sweet lady.  Gave me a wonderful shot in the ass:  Lupron.  It shuts my ovaries down.  I get it every 3 months.  Just so happens that I had to get my shot today and a strange nurse had to give it to me.  Bare ass, new nurse, no undies (I tend to go commando  most of the time), LOVELY.   If nothing else, she did a great job.  Didn't feel it a bit ... and it's my butt muscle.   They are being very kind to us in the new place.  Very welcoming.
  A woman, drawing my blood, said to me today, "You know how I know that our new patients are Dr. Fer's?  They always ask for potato chips."  Hell, lady, that's us.  We have/had cancer ... the least you folks could do is feed our asses.  We like our chips/soda/ juice/cable TV.  We came from a keg party and are, now, having to fit into a debutant ball.  We are the bastard children of Swedish.  And, we could care less. 
  The great thing is that we get free bag lunches there.  At our old office, we would get chips and juice/soda.  Now, we get a REAL lunch.  I'm an eater.  I eat.  A LOT.   Still don't know where it goes.  Just got weighed today and the head nurse said, "um, you've lost a bit of weight."  She seemed concerned.  I said, "between my child, my work, my stress, and my moving my home in the past week, I think that's okay."  Oh, and I threw in that I was training for The 3-day.  That's not true.  But I said it, as I think I might try to train soon....
  Long post.  Long month/week/day.  Been terribly busy.
  Love that.  I'm busy = I'm alive.
p.s. please send your thoughts/love/prayers/positive vibes to my dear friends Jon and Cathy.  I cannot describe to you how much I adore these two wonderful people.   Their son passed away at the end of July.  He led a very complicated life.  He was dearly loved.  He is at rest.  Please send your love.

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