Thursday, September 15, 2011

Nearing the end of an AMAZING first week of kindergarten!

Silas has just thrived in his new school.  His adorable and kind teacher is juggling 24 kids ... and is doing it with an amount of grace that I couldn't muster if a GUN was held to my head.
She is, simply, amazing with these children.  The kids flock to her like moths to the, proverbial, flame.
Tomorrow will be his last day of his first week.  I cannot believe this week has gone by so quickly and he's settled in so well.  I'm just so, so proud of my Main Man.  He's dealt with quite a bit of loss and drama these past 5 years.  He rolls with the punches and makes many adults I know look like amateurs.
In my heart, I can't help but feel pain that he cannot call his Pappy and tell him about school.  I cannot tell my Dad what happened with Silas and how great he was.
The (first) greatest compliment after I had Silas was from my father:  "I want you to know that you are an amazing Mama."  I know I've posted it previously.  And, I know that that was an overly kind sentiment from my Dad, as I'm BY FAR not a Super Mama.  But it will, forever, be one of the most kind and monumental things anyone has said to me.
I just wish Pappy was here to see how amazing Silas, himself, is doing.  I don't claim that for myself.   If you know him, you'd know how much he is his own person.
That was the luck of the draw for me ... or the timing and genetics.
The little mister is an old, old soul.
I think he came out of the womb knowing that.
I'm so proud of him.
Way to go Mosey!


Deborah said...

There are many, many things that I wish for both of you dear girl. That is one of them. That Pappy was still there to pick up the phone, or pick up the pieces, or make you smile. I told Silas when he was visiting that he could look up at the stars on any given night and see his Pappy sparkling, and watching over him...and that he would ALWAYS be listening. XOXO

Dorcas Anna Warren said...

No doubt that he is with us ...