Monday, June 16, 2008

Another Happy Monday...

  Back home from work.  We went to an early dinner at Azteca.  Silas has learned at an early age how to speak Spanish, as we are constantly eating mexican food.  He'll be walking down the street and see a Mexican person and raise his hand and say, "Hola!"  He keeps walking.  It's so funny.   The first time he did that he was about 18 months old.  A Mexican man passed us in McDonald's, while we were eating, and he just raised his hand and said "Hola."  I laughed.  The sweet Mexican man laughed.  And, my dad, whom I was on the phone with, laughed he ass off.  Funny stuff.
  It's been a quiet day for us.  I was busy at work, but that is a good day for me.  I've got amazing clients.  The majority of which, I greet with a hug.  I was thinking about that today.  I seem to be the only person at work that greets pretty much every one of her clients with a bear hug.  Now, don't get me wrong.  My co-workers are ROCKSTARS.  They hug many of their clients and are the most talented people I've ever worked with.  I guess my hugs are a Southern thing.  It's just funny to me that I just walk up and hug them ... even if it's their second visit.  Can't help myself.  It's in my blood.  This will, probably, bite me in the ass one day.
  I have the absolute BEST working environment one could imagine.  We don't deal in drama and bitchiness.  You're gonna get voted off the island if you come to our salon as an employee and stir up a bunch of crap instead of doing your job ... and DOING IT WELL.  We're not elitists.  But, we are professionals that would rather spend our time doing our art and being professional than sitting in a back room making fun of all the clients' clothing options and lack of style.  Not in our nature.  I'm so blessed to work where I do.  If you need to find a new stylist, go to Salon Joseph in Seattle.  If you cannot get in with me, go to ANY other member of our team.  You'll be in great hands.  It's an amazingly sweet and boutique-ey salon that's nothing like the new fashioned salons that prefer to make one a part of their "factory of hair."  Ridiculous stuff.  If you want a one-on-one experience when  trying on shoes, I would imagine that being tossed around a huge salon when getting your hair done for several hours is not for you.  Our salon is a great place to get an actual personal experience.  WOW, that's a novelty nowadays.  
  Well, off to read some trash magazines and bed.

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