Saturday, June 14, 2008

It's a great weekend...

  Hello my lovelies.  We spent last night out at our "country home."  Our "country home" is that of one of my best friends.  Maria is southern, crazy, and also a breast cancer survivor.  She is one of my "life partners."  She's family.  She is like a surrogate Mama to my son.  Her daughters, Elliot and Wyatt, are like his surrogate sisters.  They, in my mind, are my surrogate daughters.  We love hanging with them.  Pics of our wonderful night are posted here.  
  We had lunch with Jef and Kris.  Jef is Kevin's co-worker.  Jef is an amazingly kind person.  Kris is his roommate from Norway.  Kris is, also, amazingly kind.   They have become really dear pals of ours.  They put up with our snide senses of humor and can trump us with disgusting jokes.  We're like a fraternity ... except, we actually DO have huge penises.  Even though I'm the only girl in the group, I've got a huge one!
   Then ... and this was the highlight of my Saturday ... then, Silas and I went to see a baseball game between "The Dykes and The Drag Queens."  This is not a joke.  We live on Capital Hill.  It's possibly the most "progressive" place in Seattle.  Thus, it is probably the most progressive place in ALL OF AMERICA.  Gay Pride weekend is coming up.  So, this game was just a teaser for what is to come.  To say that this was the gayest place on earth today would be a huge understatement.  It was hysterical.  Queens abounded.  Dykes abounded.  Gays abounded.  Straights abounded.  Chiffon and makeup and stilettos and mohawks abounded.
  Well, I'm not one to ignore an excellent opportunity.  Maria told me that she'd run into some chicks today that were obviously raising money for a cancer cause.  They were wearing huge bras that said "Put your bucks in our cups."  Brilliant.  We decided that it would be great if I did the same thing at the Dyke vs Drag queen baseball game.  So I did.  And Silas did as well.  We walked down "Broadway" wearing my HUGE nursing bras (size E) with "put your bucks in our cups" written on them.  Not only that ... Silas wanted to wear various parts of his Halloween penguin costume.  So, he had his little flippers on.  He also had his penguin hat on ... I happened to have added a little note on the hat ... "MY MAMA KICKED CANCER'S ASS!"  He can't read.  So, I figure it's not a sin.  As soon as we walked out of our building, we made 6 bucks.  I would like to say that I scored tons of cash at the baseball game.  But, alas, I must say that those damned Dykes and Queens do not draw a generous crowd.  Sons of Bitches.  I got, about, 15 dollars.  What in the hell?  These folks are use to adversity.  I am too.  Why, in the name of Sweet Axl Rose can't the gay-folk pony up?!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Pony up you stiletto-wearing and lady-chasing people.  "Show me the money."
  Honestly, everyone was ensconced in the game.  It was too funny.  Men (and that's a stretch) in spandex and hot pants running around as the women (Dykes) in baseball uniforms were slapping each other on the asses like they belonged to a pro-ball team.  It was fantastic.  Silas screamed and clapped ... and took his clothes off.  If we were at the post office he would have taken his clothes off.  So it certainly  wasn't reflective of the surroundings.  He's just happiest when NOT clothed.   I don't know where he gets that ...
  He ended up on the field during a break in the game with the manager of the "Dykes" with a huge blow-up baseball.   They were kicking the ball back and forth.  Silas could have cared less about his surroundings.  He was focused on his "playdate."  Unconventional, yes.  All the fans were cheering for Silas.  He had no clue.  He was simply having a great time kicking a huge ball to someone that enjoyed sharing this moment with him.  It was so amazing.  Anna's son, wearing a bra, in the middle of a game of Dykes vs. Transvestites shouldn't shock anyone.  I just hope that, one day, he'll appreciate that I dragged him to EVERYTHING.   I want him to experience EVERYTHING before he becomes "human" and starts judging everyone and everything.  We had a great time.  Even the stoned hippies next to us were really into Silas' experience.  The stoned guy kept trying to play ball with Silas:  Silas brought a ball.  Silas kept telling him, "I want chocolate."  One would think that a guy, high on pot, would understand that this kid wanted candy.  But, alas, I'm a perfectionist.  The stoned guy was into playing ball.  Silas was not.
  In any case, he had so much fun.  We laughed and laughed.  We've had great weekend, thus far.
  Tomorrow, we go to Volunteer Park with friends and use the new grill that Silas and I got for Kevin for Father's Day.  We're gonna grill chicken and veggies that I'll marinate tonight, play ball, play frisbee, eat lots of bad food, drink lots of beer and have a ball. You definitely should be jealous.  It's gonna be a gorgeous day.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you explained that it was your nursing bra!

I saw the photo before reading far enough in and thought, "Good god, her frankentitties are HUGE!!" :)

Sounds like a great day! Hope today was just as swell!