Monday, October 6, 2008

I'm bald ... again...

Yes, you heard it correctly. As if the crazy arm infection wasn't enough ... the thrush due to the antibiotics dealing with the infection wasn't enough ... I HAVE LOST ALL OF MY HAIR. AGAIN.
My head starting hurting last week. It was hurting for no reason. It felt the same way it did when I was on chemo and it was fixin' (I"m not Palin) to fall out. Next thing I know, I get out of the shower on Saturday and rubbed my achy head over the sink. Hair falls out. I pulled a clump out. Then, I pulled 4 more, as I'm most certainly an over-achiever.
So, after speaking with my oncologist and another at the renowned Swedish Cancer Institute, there really is NO explanation. We've covered all my meds. We have our hypotheses. But, it doesn't add up. Like how I speak in terms of "we" in regards to my doctors? That's because I've crowned myself an amateur oncologist. You have a question, I'll answer it. I'm fixin' to start charging.
In any case, I shaved my head on Saturday. That led Mosey to shave his little head. He wanted to look like Mama. I didn't mention any treatment stuff. Just told him that I was wanting a a change and wanted new hair. Then, by Sunday, the little nubs of hair were still falling out. So, we revisited chemo days and just duct taped my whole head last night. Most of it came out. There are still little nubs here and there. But, for the most part, it's gone. Cue ball gone. My clients, today, were taken aback but so calm about it. Just laughed right along with me. They are ROCK STARS!
I could care less, honestly. The only thing: I'm supposed to be recorded for the news tomorrow as a thriving survivor. Oh holy hell!!!!! Gonna have fun explaining my health and how I'm two years out (TODAY, AS A MATTER OF FACT) and am suddenly bald.
I'm gonna tell 'em that I got struck by lightening or something. It's just easier.


Unknown said...

Hello Anna, God knows how I ended up at your site ...... think I was googling Topo Swope.
It was great reading your site and recent blogs, love your energy and optimism. I’m sorry about your hair but I have a feeling it’s going to grow back soon.
One thing I’ve learnt over the last few years is oncology isn’t an exact science (also the treatments suck.) I’m convinced that attitude plays a major part – my partner has loads of attitude! She’s in a constant state of early menopause and her hair goes thin them strong again but she just keeps on working, looking after our kids and facing the uncertainties of breast cancer prognosis. I love and respect her and anyone else who can come through it and still manage to stay loving.
I liked your comments about Sarah Palin, I’m sorry but this woman really worries me and considering McCain’s age, and although I find myself liking him, I would vote for the other side. A few of my neighbours have Vote Obama stickers in their windows and cars, kind of crazy really - even if they’re going to vote for him, how can we, so why advertise. I hope you guys vote in someone who is really committed to seeing a better future for us all. (Vote Obama, Vote Obama)
Never been to Seattle, although my wife has, was hoping to take a trip there last summer, walk around, visit some coffee houses, check out the music scene - but was overruled. We were in Vancouver on our way to Alaska. Hey, we love the US, only Londoners I know who Ski Utah, “the greatest snow on earth.”
This reminds me how I got to your site! Bob Redford, my wife and I met him once in Salt Lake; we took a flight to SF for New Years. Anyway, I was watching Redford’s “Hot Rock” on TV the other night, spooky images of the WTC being constructed, went on IMDB to check the date the film was made and there in the cast was one of the most interesting names in cinema.. Topo Swope!
Not exactly Six Degrees but something about your site caught my imagination, shared experiences maybe.
Looks like you have a beautiful family; I hope you stay well and happy.
Kingston-Upon-Thames, London, UK

Dorcas Anna Warren said...


Wow, yes. Small world indeed. That's an old school movie that doesn't pop up regularly, does it? I've only seen her in it for about 2 seconds. I know she doesn't mind that. I see her every day here, practically.
Thanks so much for your well-wishes. If ya'll ever make it to Seattle, do get in touch.