Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ding Dong

Just wrote that Title, as we've inherited a new computer from a great friend, but it has an asian script every time I go to type. Thus explains the strange text that you might be seeing. I like it. Just want to see what "Ding Dong" ends up being in Japanese or Chinese. I'm still not sure what Asian lanuage we're dealing with.
So: the debate. Interesting. It's clear to me that Sarah Palin tends to talk like a beauty queen trying to win a crown. No doubt the lady is intelligent. She sure is. But, she is removed from what this country is going through, in my eyes. Her previous interviews have rendered me in stitches from laughter ... especially, after Tina Fey's impersonation. It was spot-on. You CANNOT get better than that.
Tonight, I thought that she was very evasive. Namely, in the beginning. She caught "her" stride and built some confidence after "debating" for a while. I'm sure she is a fine person. But, she has NO clue what she is talking about in regards to this entire country and foreign policy. Joe Biden,on the other hand, did well by me. I was afraid that he would be abrasive, as he can do that. But, he was spot-on. Stuck to the task at hand and was focussing on what was thrown at him. I cannot say that about Palin. I was hoping that he would, simply, focus on the questions ... AND HE DID THAT. Sarah Palin did not. When one has to announce that they refuse to answer a moderator's question, you have to question their motives. I was embarrassed for her. For, maybe, one second.
In any event, I was pleased with the debate. Biden did a great job. I was very proud of him. Let himself settle, and not get out-of-wack.
Oh, and by the way, if my step-Mother had thrown my step-brother in front of her for sympanthy during any life situation, I'm sure she would have gotten a huge sack-full of fans. My sweet step-brother has Downs. We went to Jr. High and High School together. Before we became relatives, we were pals. Now, we are brother and sister. My step-mother would have NEVER put him on stage at every chance she got. She would have NEVER had a family meeting about his existence while he was in her belly: Sarah Palin did this. How can someone that is "pro-life" have a meeting about the decision of bearing a child with Down's Syndrome? It's hypocritical, at best.
He's not a flag, or a sign, or a decree. "He's my brother...", as they say.

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