Saturday, September 27, 2008


Looks like you people are ALL about my Gilda. Didn't wanna brag about her in the beginning of the poll. But, she has been my favorite since college days. Interesting that she had cancer, died of cancer, and Gene Wilder helped to set up "Gilda's Club" all over the US. I go to Gilda's for "group." Her face is everywhere. It's bizarre. But, she's a kindred spirit and you can feel that vibe in that gorgeous space.
So, now I'll talk politics. If you don't want to hear my opinion, feel free to log off now..........
Anywho, We all know I'm an Obama supporter. Cannot imagine being anything other than that. This country is screwed. It's an atrocity. My bank just got bought out by Chase. I was never worried about my money, as I know that my $13.99 is insured by our "powerful" government. I, honestly, could care less. I'm broke. I'm fine with that. I know that our economy has sucked for some time. The thing that pisses me off is that our "president", for months OR years, has said that our economy is just fine. What is George Bush smoking? Suddenly, NOW, he is saying that things are amiss.
Don't get me wrong. I'm sick of the partisan and polarizing issues that are present in a, basically, two-party system. I don't think that ALL democrats are fantastic.
But, we're going down. And, if we don't fix this shit. It's not gonna get better. All great empires fall. Throughout history, this has been proven. I would just rather cut to the chase and negate the same thing that has happened over and over and over and...
Obama isn't as seasoned as many. I'm fine with that. Bush WAS ... look what we've become.
Obama focuses on health care. As a breast cancer survivor, I WANT SOMEONE IN OFFICE THAT ACTUALLY FOCUSES ON HEALTH CARE. I want someone in there that is new and fresh and not jaded by all the DC bullshit. I want someone in there that is compassionate. That is the ONLY way we can gain back the respect that this beautiful country deserves. Aggressive ... AND compassionate. There's an idea!
Sarah Palin ... Oh hell, where do I begin. I'm offended, as a mother, that she went full-force into this election KNOWING THAT HER 16 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER WAS PREGNANT AND WOULD BE DRAGGED THROUGH THE MUD. My mother would NEVER have sought fame at my expense. And I would never do that to my child. I think it's sickening. She has a child with Down's. You know what? My amazing step-brother has Down's. I've never seen my step-mother use him as a crutch. He's always been allowed to be his own person WITHOUT his mother holding him up like a flag that says, "HEY, look at me, I'm such a great person because I kept this child." It's disgusting. Oh, and by the way, if you're so pro-life that you don't even agree to abortion if someone is raped, then maybe you shouldn't have a "family meeting" to decide what you should do about your pregnancy when you found out the baby had Down's. It's sick. Hypocritical, at best.
John McCain. You know. I don't think he's a bad guy. But, I don't think that he's some HUGE hero. EVERY member of our armed forces are heroes, REGARDLESS of if they end up as POWs or not. It's a job. Why aren't we hearing about the other POWs.
I've been called a hero for battling breast cancer. AND I'M NOT!!!!!! I cannot reiterate this enough. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I happened upon a disease that I had to fight ... just like EVERY person that I know with cancer. I'm not a hero. I'm, simply, a gal dealing with a set-back. But that does not make me qualified to start running my own oncology ward. I've got the stats and many answers. I've studied the hell out of my disease. But, I'm not a pro. You CANNOT vote for someone, simply, because they were a POW. When you sign up and train in the military, that is a given. You sign on the dotted line, you train, and you KNOW that that might be a possibility. Bless his heart for going through all that torment. But, I DON'T feel like he and I are far off from our own battles. His POW experience is not much different than mine. Well, his lasted longer. But, our treatments may have been parallel. His is done. I'm in "remission". Mine, for the rest of my life, will be back there, somewhere ... waiting to rare it's nastiness. He's free. Oh man, how I would love to hear the words, "you're cured." I won't. I'm dealing with that. I don't want pity, I don't want people to worry, AND I don't want to people to think that I'm some damned hero. I'm not. I did what ANYONE would do to survive. It's not fucking rocket-science!!!!!!!! You fear for your life, you do whatever you can do to survive...especially for that baby that is smiling at you. But, please, please, please don't vote for someone simply because they were a POW.
PLUS ... what was up with McCain not EVER looking Obama in the eyes the other night? He was being a douche.
So, I"m done for now ... I think. But not for long.
your "hero" ... Anna
p.s. maybe I should run for president, as I can throw a great cocktail party.

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