Tuesday, December 16, 2008

And, so it begins...

Mr. Silas is sick. He was fine in the morning. After his nap, he woke up with rosy cheeks. I assumed he was over-dressed for his nap. After spending the evening with Marco and Heather over here for a play-date and dinner, he started to cough.
So, now he's in the bedroom with a ball of toilet paper (to blow his nose "by myself") and coughing away.
Of course, this tends to happen before OR after each of my surgeries or treatments. I don't think he's old enough to create some psycho-symatic sickness. It's just the "luck" of the draw. I think we're all aware of my track record with that. Judging by his ability to find the sharpest corner in a 3 mile radius upon which to maim himself, I think that he's inherited my "luck" gene. Oh Holy Hannah. Can't we be left to deal with ONE gimp in the family?! Bless his heart. I'm beginning to believe that he IS a Mama's boy.
p.s. sending a shout-out to Jen (onbreastleft) tonight. Hoping your nipples are feeling and looking fantastic.

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