Sunday, December 7, 2008

Is it really December 7th?!

I cannot believe that it's already December 7th. I remember a time where my life must have been moving in slow motion, as my summers lasted for years and my school year lasted for decades. Now, life flies by us so quickly that the seasons seem to meld into one another. It's, sort of, like having a plate of food with peas and potatoes. You end up eating them both, but don't know which one you started with or which one you ended up with, as you ate both at the same time without noticing. I sound like Forest Gump.
In any case, the weather here is lovely. It's that typical moody, rainy Seattle weather that I've always loved. I've never really complained about the weather here ... unless it involves wind. I hate a nasty wind ... unless it involves a tornado or a hurricane. If those 2 are the case, game on. Otherwise, it's a nuisance.
Silas is just starting to feel better after a weekend of puking and the runs. I won't apologize for the graphic details. If you're an avid reader, you're use to it. If not, find another blog or go to the beginning. He spent the better part of Friday evening, Saturday, and early Sunday morning unloading from both ends. I think he's on the mend now. The guy is such a trooper. He doesn't even whimper when he spends hours doing this. He just goes about it as it's another task. Such a dreamy boy. It makes it that much harder to see him go through it.
I would love it if everyone reading would spend a moment to keep a few friends of mine in your hearts and prayers. I've got several girlfriends who are metastatic that need some strong vibes and prayers right now: Holly, Julie, Janet, Elizabeth, Kristin, and Kristy. These ladies are bold and strong and fighting a great fight. They MUST and WILL fight the beast and win. It would just mean the world to me if you took a moment to pray/meditate/be silent for them. Two other beautiful women and their families need your love too. Christine and Jenn have both recently lost their fight with breast cancer. They were with family and passed peacefully. They were both such lovely women and so supportive of the rest of us fighting this nasty disease. Please hold their families close to your heart tonight. Thanks in advance.
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and has an even better week to come.

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